<p>In the interest of being fair and balanced, I figured I would start this thread up.</p>
<p>-you believe that Obama will solve all of your problems, pay off your mortage, and get you a raise</p>
<p>-you believe that the with just a little bit more money, the government can solve anything</p>
<p>-everyone else should pay their taxes and follow the rules... except you (haha obama cabinet/fail)</p>
<p>-You believe that everyone on welfare is down on their luck, and is doing the best that they can to succeed in life, even though more than half of them are on drugs</p>
<p>-you like ideas that make you feel good, even when they are completely irrational </p>
<p>I’m super left leaning and I don’t hate 'merica (as my Republican buddies would say), mostly because it annoys me people think it’s cool to bash it.</p>
<li>You seem to be opposed to every inhumane act except abortion</li>
<li>You are a Communist in disguise</li>
<li>You side with Marx rather than Darwin</li>
<li>You have a tendency to be against religion</li>
<li>You feel that your family is the epitome of ignorance with their conservative ideals</li>
<p>I am a Liberal, I just felt like saying some of those things for fun. I am also for abortion, and anyone who is against it I will destroy in a debate.</p>
<p>I’m so torn on abortion. On the one hand, I don’t feel that the government should (or can) mandate such a personal choice. On the other hand, morally it kills me.</p>
You must be a republican if you truly believe all this nonsense about democrats. :D</p>
<p>You must also believe that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11, that Bill Gates needs a tax cut in addition to $50 billion dollars he already has to start hiring people, that outsourcing and destruction of american jobs and entire industries strengthen american middle class, that the unemployed can afford cheap chinese goods sold in Walmart, that free markets solve all problems, that private business can do no wrong and the collapse of banks, brokerages and other financial institutions is the fault of the government, not the management of those companies…</p>
<p>Regarding abortion, I’ve always thought about it as something that shouldn’t make a difference to me. In other words, you should mind your own business. I personally wouldn’t want to abort a baby unless it was a health danger to the mother or she was raped, but as I said, it’s not up to me what people want to do. </p>
<p>I’ve actually have been attacked for this stance. Apparently, I am supposed to fight for unborn baby’s rights. But it’s basically against my ideology to not meddle in other people’s lives.</p>
<p>If you are against abortion, you might as well be against birth protection, because every time you choose to wear a condom, you are choosing not to possibly abort a baby.</p>
<p>-you believe that people should have the freedom to make their own choices and not conform their lives to other people’s standards (ie, abortion, marriage, religion, etc)</p>
<p>I personally don’t understand people who are for abstinence-only sex-ed and are anti-abortion. It seems that terrible sex-ed would lead to an increase in unwanted pregnancy, yet those two positions seem to go together a lot.</p>
<p>@ chronic: technically, I suppose you are correct, but realistically (SP? lol), not necessarily. Using birth control is common sense. Aborting something that has already been concieved is a major descision. I suppose it isn’t rational, and perhaps even hypocritical, but I feel a pang of remorse every time I think about a baby being aborted, because I feel compassion for everyone involved in the situation. I could never do it myself, rape or no, personal risk or no. But I realize that it isn’t my place to make that descision for other people.</p>
<p>I hate to get into any online discussions involving abortion (on the internet people never hold back), but regardless, I am a somewhat moderate liberal against abortion. Pro-choice – come on, everyone’s pro-choice. Having a baby does not mean you don’t have choices. And beyond that, how about we decide to remember that we have all these choices in the beginning, when we, in most cases, choose to have sex with someone who we don’t want / aren’t ready to raise a child with, or choose to have unprotected sex?</p>
<p>Clearly, making abortion illegal would be ineffective and counterproductive. I just wish that more people would make better decisions, and actually think about things.</p>
<p>[The above is written like crap, but it’s the end of the week and I’m burned out.]</p>