I'm planning to major in business. I'm wondering which one of them is better? Especially the comparison between SFSU and USF. WHich one of them is more well-known and has higher quality of education in business area? Because I heard that private schools > state schools. But I'm not sure if USF is better than SFSU...</p>
<p>alrite everyone. thanks for your reply! it's really helpful. now what about USF compared to USC (University of Southern Cal). Which one is better education-wise.</p>
<p>USC... hands down. USC is probably one of the Top 3 private schools in California (LAC's not included) while USF, although still a very good school, is more than a few spots down the list.</p>
<p>I think that the University of San Francisco is expensive as hell and on par with most junior colleges. San Jose State (CSUSJ) is the best of the three. San Francisco State (CSUSF) is also a decent school.</p>
<p>I think anyone who says “any private school is better than a CSU” is a huge, rich snob. I chose to go to SFSU over Santa Clara University because I simply couldn’t afford it and I didn’t want to spend my junior and senior years with rich, snobby kids like you.
SJSU was named one as one of the best Business colleges by Forbes Magazine…</p>
<p>Having worked in the Bay Area the last 12 years, I would say they’re pretty equal. Undergrad business from any of these schools would be ok. </p>
<p>Good thing about USF is that you’ll always get your courses so you can graduate on time. The CSU schools, it might take 5-6 years to graduate due to courses filling up.</p>