SAP Issues

So I was placed on Academic Suspension. And I know my financial aid will probably be revoked. So today, I decided to call my financial aid at my school to see about possible reinstatement, and what I could do. I asked the Financial Aid conselour on the phone what exactly I needed to do to start the process, and he told me, but right after that, he mentioned. “You can apply for an SAP appeal, but it will most likely be denied.” I take full responsibility of my issues 100%, and don’t expect anyone to feel sympathy for my situation, but that really disheartened me. I didn’t even tell him the extenuating circumstances surrounding my SAP Appeal, and when I did tell him, he told me that he “had it worse than I.” I understand I messed up badly and take full responsibility of my actions. But now it leaves me in a rock and a hard place. I don’t know whether or not I should go through with the SAP appeal. On my school’s website it does say though that, he student may appeal for reinstatement after earning a 2.0 in at least 6 hours at an accredited two-year or four-year University, junior or community college." So i am going to take classes in July, to provide as proof that I have changed, and submit it with my appeal. But I wanted advice on how i should handle this situation.

Edited for language

First of all, it sounds like you got a call center employee or maybe a student worker - the response was not especially professional. By all means, file an appeal - they may say no, but they can’t say yes if you don’t try. If you have to pay out of pocket for a semester to have your aid reinstated, then make sure you are in a position to pay for it & to do well in the classes. Best wishes.

@kelsmom. Thank you. I’m thinking about going to my school tomorrow so that I can talk to someone else in financial aid. He said that he was on the board committee for SAP appeal. That worries me. I will admit, I did not respond favorably. I told him what he said, and he replied with “Don’t put words in my mouth.” So I’m afraid that when I do file the appeal, he will remember my name and possibly say something unfavorably about the SAP Appeal. It really made me feel hopeless. He said the director told him that, and when he offered the number so i can speak to her directly, he then said “You don’t need it because I already told you everything that you have to do.” I didn’t expect for him to be so into my failure as a student. I thought it would be cut and dry. Anyways I intend to take classes next summer term at a community college. And i know i will do better, so i can attach that as supplementing evidence that I am in a good position for Fall 2015.

Don’t take anything personally. Just do what you are supposed to do and file an appeal and don’t whine. Don’t mention this guy, it doesn’t matter. Just say what extenuating circumstances are and the stops you have already taken, as if you haven’t done anything it can’t be taken seriously. They aren’t going to do anything or take any action over a phone call. So write up the appeal and that puts them in the position of having to read and evaluate it. They can say anything over the phone and it isn’t official. Before you do that read and understand the SAP and the appeal process policy.

OP has a thread with the same issue…

Okay. Thank you. I will do that @BrownParent . I have looked up the policy and it mentions taking 6 hours elsewhere and appealing. I can appeal w/o the six hours though. I will wait until July, take classes at my CC, and then file the appeal. I think those are my best chances.

@Madison85, that was for academic suspension. This is for SAP issues dealing with financial aid.

Oh! Thank you for the correction!

@Madison85 no prob :slight_smile:


Were you granted an appeal for your academic suspension? This would give you more leverage when it comes to getting your SAP appeal. Keep in mind that the SAP appeal will be useless they lift your suspension.

@sybbie719. No i haven’t. My meeting is on Thursday.

Just keep moving forward. Don’t ask a staffer for his or her opinion and don’t share your life story on the phone. Limit your phone conversations to inquiries about the process.

Okay. You’re right @CheddarcheeseMN. When I asked him about the process initially I hadn’t shared anything about my life. And he told me it would be denied. I feel kinda dumb for telling him everything. But I’m anxious and worried about it. So I asked him anyways.