SAT 1 or SAT2???

<p>I have one more chance to take a SAT test in my junior year, in June.
I got a 1960 on my last SAT, and i want to take it again. But should
I take some Subject Tests (Math 1, Math 2, Chemistry) or should
I take my SAT 1 again? I can do one on that day. Thanks!</p>

<p>Are you a Junior right now?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you have to take both the SAT and the SAT Subject Tests for most competitive colleges. Is there anyway you could both retake the SAT and take some subject tests?</p>

<p>How recently did you last take the SAT1? I noticed that leaving some space between them causes a more dramatic shift. I’m not sure why (and it could easily be a fluke) but I saw bigger improvements when I waited several months in-between.</p>

<p>I would recommend SAT 2. And then Senior Year you can take the SAT 1 again and if you want to you can try to improve/try different subject tests for the SAT 2 as well (that way you can try to improve on both instead of only having one to work with).</p>

<p>Though, when it comes to the subject tests I would actually recommend doing only one of the maths, not both, specifically Math2. So perhaps you could do Math2, Chemistry, and another science or perhaps litterature.</p>

<p>So my recommendation is to take the SAT 2 in June with Math2, Chemistry, 1 other subject test (I did another science but that’s because I want to study science so you may want something else).</p>

<p>Then Senior year you can retake either SAT1, SAT2, or both. Junior year’s a good time to get your first-exposure to everything and then you can perfect it senior year after studying more over the summer. Also if you can, try to take the ACT this year as well.</p>

<p>If you have signed up for June, take the SAT I then, and take the SAT II in October, which gives you plenty of time to get your scores before the earliest deadlines.</p>

<p>I took the SAT 1 in December, so its been half a year. And a took the ACT, i got a 28. Is it better to have a good SAT 1 score or some pretty decent SAT 1 and 2 scores?</p>

<p>SAT1 is used far more significantly in admissions decisions than the SAT2. SAT 2s are mroe used to make sure you have a strong enough subject background to do well at the school and most schools don’t even require them (though the more selective ones usually do). Since it’s been a while since you took the SATI you could do either but I still think it’s a good idea to have taken both by the end of your Junior year so you can plan to take which test(s), when, during your senior year to improve on them.</p>