hi guys am currently a rising junior in high school , and awaiting my sat and act am worried about my chances of a good score. I was told to practice but am confused because I don’t know where or how to begin even with the prep books.
help me how do I start and actually put in the work?
Here’s a personal tip from my son’s experience. The ACT is all about time, so student’s need to practice with an egg timer set to 5 minutes LESS than the time allowed. The goal is to get your mind to process information FASTER. You should expect your scores to plummet at first, but with practice you should be able to complete the practice tests with 5 minutes less time. Then, when you take the actual test, you will feel like you have extra time and will have the time to check over your answers.
Full Disclosure: My scored a 32 on his first ACT practice test. When the timer was set to 5 minutes less than the allotted time, his scores plummeted to 26-27. However, with practice his scores increased to 33-34. On the actual test day, my son felt he had oodles of time and ended up scoring a 36. Try it and see if works for you!
THANK YOU! I would defiantly try this method