SAT confusion

<p>What exactly do colleges look at to see your SAT scores?</p>

<p>the reason I ask this is that on my HS transcript, it lists my current highest SAT score. However, i am retaking it in november. My GC is one of those stupid ones who doesnt want me to take it a second time bc i'm going to go down (I have a 2120 right now, im sure I can get it up to 2200+, and can't wait to see his face when that happens). So, basically he doesn't know and won't know until I get my scores back, which will be after the transcript will be sent. </p>

<p>so, when I send out the official score reports and such, will the colleges know? I'm kind of paranoid that they are just going to look at my transcript and think that was my score, when it's not. like do they see the score report, how you report it on the common app, or the transcript?</p>

<p>They see the score in lots of places I'm sure but they're only allowed to consider the scores on your official report.</p>

<p>Colleges refer to the score report from the College Board. It does not
matter what gets reported on your school transcripts.</p>

<p>Most top schools superscore currently. i.e note the best scores you got
on CR, M and W sections and use the composite as your score. </p>

<p>If you are above 2300 or doing the exam for more than 3 times
retaking may be relatively unfavorable.</p>