sat cr score question?

<p>is it possible to raise cr score from 600 to 650+ before the october test starting now?</p>

<p>sorry if this is somewhat of a repost</p>

<p>I'm in a similar predicament. I seem to be stuck at around 650, and I can't quite hover above it. I get about two reading questions and two sentence completion questions wrong per section. I think I'll have to resort to memorizing vocab words, unless someone has another suggestion :( At best, I think I can reduce my reading question errors to 1 per section <em>crosses fingers</em> If I do end up memorizing vocab words, which list is the most comprehensive? Any other opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated!! (Especially covering the reading questions I get wrong) Thanks!!</p>

<p>get grammatix. i just bought it and its seems great so far. i was in the same situation, looking to get my score from a 630 to 730+, but im only a junior this yeat. try it, theres a money back guarantee (48 hours)</p>

<p>Yeah, I have Grammatix, and so far it's worked, but I'm stuck. Although it improve my reading, it didn't help as much for the sentence completions. I think I may have to study a vocab list.</p>

<p>to tell you the truth, studying roots has really helped me. i know it sounds very boring, but if you're desperate try McGraw Hills guide. make sure you take a look at it before you buy, but i believe its one of the best</p>