SAT Critical Reading Descartes... will you guys please help me?

<p>How do you guys feel about the November SAT?
Was it easy or hard?</p>

<p>I have some questions about Descartes passage.. about mind and body.
Um... For the Dualism dignified by Descartes, I put "mocking lack of evidence" because Descartes was not giving clear evidence for his claim.
Also secondary meaning of dignify is "making sth seem important while it is not"
Also, the last sencence about "Awe.... caused by dualism... does not mean that dualims is correct" I chose impartial because the author is not influenced by the awe of dualism.
Dualism is applealing but problematic. </p>

<p>For museum passage, the spirit is characteristics
For the ads passage, I said the author knows well about TV programmming. </p>

<p>I feel so nervous!!</p>