<p>Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas for some prompts. I was taking practice tests from the Barrons book, but everytime i took the essay, the prompts were so vague that i didnt know what to write about them. So if you guys could give me some examples to use in these situations, that would be great! </p>
<p>Prompt 1: Nature (one's genetic inheritance) affects one's character and behavior more than nurture (one's life experiences)</p>
<p>Prompt 2: We most resent in others the very flaws that we ourselves possess. </p>
<p>Thanks for the ideas!</p>
please help me out! i dont want to be stuck in another similar situation like i was here!!</p>
<p>If you just know a few solid examples, you can taylor them to fit pretty much any prompt. The readers, who have thousands of essays to grade aren’t going to fact check every single one. For example, one of my “all-purpose” examples is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I can use this example in both prompts. In the first prompt, I can talk about how Huck was raised in Southern society which caused him to view blacks as objects, not people. In the second prompt, I can talk about how Huck subtly resented Tom because like Tom, he lacked leadership skills.</p>
<p>You can make up and literally bull**** any example to make it fit your prompt. The readers want to see how well you can support your thesis with clear and relevant examples, not how accurate you are to every detail.</p>
<p>I did pretty good on my essay because I used my teachers advice which was
If you do not have enough time to write a full 5 paragraphs then write 4 make sure the body ones are big. Readers want to see well developed thoughts the longer the paragraphs the better.
Also always include a literary example. For example on nature you could use a variety of books Jane Eyre, Frankenstein, etc…
Make sure you can quote from this novel, use this quote to expand your thoughts or how it shows growth/impacted you.
Have a clear thesis!!! If a reader can’t find it you will be marked down!
Hopefully this helps!
I’m sure you’ll do fine.</p>