SAT Essay scenario

<p>Don't worry I'm definately NOT going to do this, but what if a student was clearly running out of time to write the essay and was in danger of scoring a very poor grade simply because he couldn't come up with any examples? His mind was just completely blank. Hypthetically what do you think would happen if someone referenced very unscholarly literature like comic books or manga, or even TV shows and movies! (not based of an original novel fo course) Imagine if the essay demonstrated an extremely intelligent and convincing view on the topic and had great support, progression, and coherence anyway. Would the person still receive a bad score? Or if the student wasn't THAT great of a writer (around a score 9-10 range normally) do you think he would be in danger of getting a 0? heh, just want to hear what you think, or if you know of any evidence against using those types of examples.</p>

<p>SAT essays are based on the quality of the writing, which isn’t necessarily contingent upon the quality of the examples. As such, you can really use whatever evidence you want, so long as it support your thesis. However, it is important to note that stronger examples create a more persuasive essay, which would definitely translate into a higher score.</p>

<p>One last thing: the only situation in which you would get a 0 would be if your essay was completely off topic. Otherwise, you are guaranteed at least a score of 2.</p>

<p>The whole point is to use relevant examples that make a point and add to your thesis.</p>

<p>Which means that any example can be used, as long as it pertains and convinces.</p>