Hi, so I’ve been practicing with the official CB SAT practice tests and average around a 1520 (highest 1530). Usually I get in the 750-760 range for EBRW and 760-780 range for math. My goal is to get a 1560+ on the August SAT but my score has been stuck at 1510-1520 for 5 tests now (mostly due to never being able to decide between 2 answers on CR). The concordance tables say that this should be about a 2220, but I’m curious as i’ve seen a lot of different opinions: what is considered the minimum competitive SAT score (on the 1600 scale)? A lot of people say the diff between a 1510 and 1570 is negligible, but that’s a pretty huge difference…
If I’m not aiming for HYPSM but other high ranked colleges (top 20) what would be a good score? If I got an 800 on SAT math 2 would it look bad to not get an 800 on the SAT math section? And finally, if I’m a writer (one of my ECs) but plan to pursue a STEM career, would it look bad to not get an 800 on EBRW section? I just feel like I have to do well in both sections because I don’t want them to think I’m a bad writer/my math 2 score was a fluke
anyone have any advice?
After five tries, you’re done with testing. Accept that you are not perfect.
A 1510 is going to have to do, and is a score lots of kids would love to have.
If you’ve already taken the SAT 5 times, you’ve taken it more than enough times. Move on with improving the rest of the application.
5 times? That’s WAY too many times to wake up early on a Saturday morning and take a 4-5 hour test. A Compass Test Prep executive came to my D’s school and said 2-3 times and that’s enough. Otherwise it looks odd.
I’m pretty sure OP has taken 5 practice tests, not 5 full proctored exams. Yikes! Some of you need to get better at critical reading!
OP, I wouldn’t sweat it. Don’t worry about getting an 800 on EBRW. 750+ in each section is fantastic, and won’t disqualify you for any college admissions. The test scores don’t say as much about you as the rest of your application. Work on that instead.
Might be crystal clear to you, but pretty ambiguous to me and others. But you MAY be right. Certainly the OP could come back and clear it up.
As for the insult, keep those to yourself will ya. Those aren’t necessary. [-X
@AroundHere @MITer94 @sushiritto Oh nonono @Studious99 is right I meant 5 PRACTICE tests like the ones in the blue book. The August SAT will be my first time taking it for real. I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize it sounded that way when I wrote it 
@codingbat To hopefully answer one of your original questions, I think there’s a difference between 1,510 and 1,570. Just looking at those scattergrams on Naviance for my D18, there are more green checkmarks the further to the right (higher scores) on the graph you go.
I’ve seen folks here on CC write that 1,500+, 1,530+ and/or 1550+ are the benchmarks to shoot for, when it comes to top tier schools. Honestly, just work hard, which it seems you are, and do the best you can. And if you’re not satisfied with your score from the August test, take it again in October, or later, depending on what class you’re in.
I wish you good luck.