SAT II Subject Test Results---December 2009

<p>How’s a score of 670 in Physics? The most selective school I’m applying to is Cornell. Others include Rochester, Lafayette, Virginia and Boston.</p>

<p>What about a 780 in Math II?</p>

<p>^ If you have your hopes set on Cornell, I’d advise you to retake Physics to get a score of 700+. Congrats on the 780 Math II - that’s actually an excellent score! People on CC just obsess over getting 800’s way too much… remember, they report score ranges along with your actual score, so getting an 780 shows that you have around the same ability as someone with an 800.</p>

<p>Math II- 800
Chemistry - 800</p>

<p>mannn i was freaking outtt but im so happy now. It makes me wonder if i should take another one in jan so i can apply to harvard or whether i should take SAT again (2280 first time) or whether i should just freaking leave it alone (i have a hard time thinking about taking another test…)</p>

<p>applying to jhu, cornell, brown, yp (just for kicks i guess), wash in st. louis, duke, upenn</p>

<p>Cornell is one of my reaches and I just can’t retake the SATs anymore :P</p>

<p>And will schools notice that I took the Physics test even though I’ve never taken a Physics class ever? How will that be perceived?</p>

<p>^ coffeedrinker I got the same scores too!! <em>high five</em> I remember you from the chemistry thread xD</p>

<p>Anyway I got 770 for Maths I (weird, but never mind). Could I send only the SAT II and Chem scores?</p>

<p>^ I think you can. In the case where somebody takes both Math I and Math II, they will consider only the higher score. </p>

<p>And to answer ahsanxr’s question: that would be something worth noting in the ‘Additional Information’ section of your application. Seeing how you’ve never taken a physics course before, that score takes on a whole new meaning.</p>

<p>Got a 690 on bio M and a 710 on physics. I thought I’d get lower on both, considering that I only glanced at non-molecular and non-physics C topics.</p>

<p>@ahsanxr, I was accepted into Cornell’s engineering with pretty much the exact physics and math scores(670, 770).</p>

<p>800 math II
760 Physics</p>

<p>Only prepped with sparknotes online.</p>


<p>wow a lot of you guys are taking science… i’m debating taking either literature or spanish… advice??</p>

<p>790 Math II
760 Physics</p>

<p>I was just hoping for 600+ in physics and 700+ in math. I actually got a 590 on a sparknotes practice test the night before in Physics… kinda strange that there was that much of a difference</p>

<p>710 math I ( i know epic fail)
760 math II (better than i thought)</p>

yea I took the sparknotes practice tests and i couldnt get above 700
I was shocked at the results lol</p>

<p>yeah, sparknotes aren’t very accurate for the subject tests. i took two of them for chemistry and got a 590 and a 600. i got a 710 on the actual thing…</p>

<p>and desi_chick: the math I has a much harder curve so it’s not uncommon to score lower on that than on the math II.</p>

<p>720 on Latin, minor surprise.</p>

<p>740 math 1.</p>

<p>800 math 2.
800 physics.</p>

<p>i call it a win.</p>

<p>@fledgling: Yeah, I think I’ll mention it then. I enjoyed self-studying Physics even though a higher score would have been nicer.</p>

<p>@Condenser9: Wow, that’s encouraging! What were your SAT Reasoning scores?</p>

<p>hey i got 800 in Math 2 and 690 in Physics
do u think i will get into Rensselaer Polytechnique Institute</p>

<p>^ Lol @ the amazing spellings :P</p>

<p>And good score.</p>

<p>do you think 760 chem 750 bioM and 740 math2 is good enough for ivies(im international, dont know if that matters)</p>