Sat II Subject Tests - Chemistry, Spanish, Literature - especially literature

<p>Alright, So I was screwed over by the "only in June and December" policy for the World History SAT II. By the way, if this website had not existed, I wouldn't have found out until September (I'm taking the October 14th test). Anyway, now I have to find a new subject test to take (my non-negotiables are US History and Math II). I took the sample questions on the collegeboard website and this is how I did.</p>

90% correct - 54.9 seconds per question</p>

80% correct - 46 seconds per question</p>

50% correct - 36.8 seconds per question</p>

<p>Alright, so chemistry is probably not a good idea. I didn't slack off or anything - I had the highest grade in my class (which obviously doesn't mean much) - but I had never heard of 90% of what they're asking. However, chemistry is purportedly the easiest SAT II. Also, I'm sure the Spanish curve isn't high due to the number of native speakers. Therefore, unless someone has a reason that I should not do so (and please tell me if there you do), I'm probably going to take the Literature test. My argument: I got a 800 CR, read a lot, and did ok on the collegeboard webiste (even though it was all poetry, which I strongly dislike), and have what I call a capacity of "bullcrapping it: the act or process of negating all rational thought to divine the intended answer by putting oneself in the position of someone who thinks that the passage is the best thing ever written." Please let me know what you guys think. By the way, I'm shooting for at least a 740, which isn't too unreasonable as I got a 2310 SAT and a 34 ACT (without studying for the latter). I'm not trying to sound pedantic (believe me, I can't after that chemistry quiz); Please let me know all thoughts upon the mater</p>

<p>I'd say go for the Literature. Regardless of the tough curve it has (an 800 is actually 99th percentile), if you're interested in reading then merely doing the test can be worthwhile. I did it for fun myself (got a 770).</p>

<p>Lit is nice because you don't have to study, as long as you're good at that stuff in general (seems like you are). I actually like it better than the CR I've seen (haven't taken the SATI yet), because the passages/poems are shorter so I actually made it through without losing concentration. I took one practice test the night before and ended up with 790/99%ile.</p>

<p>Which is the easier math test, Math level I or Math Level II?</p>

<p>Math Level 1 is easier, but you can miss more on Math Level 2 and get a higher score.</p>

<p>Chemistry is actually a bit hard if you don't slightly overprepare.</p>

<p>why do you even need to ask this question?</p>

<p>take lit, for heaven's sake! i don't see how you could bomb it...</p>

<p>Literature's easy anyway, it will be for you, plus there's no preparation. Go for it.</p>