<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>My daughter is going to take MATH IIC in June. Which prep book is good for preparing MATH IIC? Barron's or Kaplan?</p>
<p>Will Barron's be sufficient for the test?</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>My daughter is going to take MATH IIC in June. Which prep book is good for preparing MATH IIC? Barron's or Kaplan?</p>
<p>Will Barron's be sufficient for the test?</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Barron will OVERprepare you.
which is perfect if your D is aiming for a 750+</p>
<p>Princeton Review</p>
<p>It's all about practice though to be honest
Just keep retaking and retaking and you'll get a great score</p>
<p>Barron's is cruelly difficult at times. It really does overprepare you. If you have time to labor through it, buy Barron's. If not, I suggest looking elsewhere.</p>