SAT official writing problem

<p>Most experts believe that young children’s not being given physical affection, this interferes with their normal development.</p>

<p>(A) young children’s not being given physical affection, this interferes
(B) for young children who have had physical affection withheld from them, it interferes
(C) the failure at giving young children physical affection would interfere
(D) when withholding physical affection from young children, it interferes
(E) the withholding of physical affection from young children interferes</p>

<p>The answer here is E.</p>

<p>But I don't know what's wrong with answer C.
Explanation for Correct Answer E : </p>

<p>Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by not separating the subject ("the withholding...children") from its verb ("interferes").</p>

<p>Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : </p>

<p>Choice (C) involves improper use of a definite article. The phrase "the failure" suggests that the failure has been referred to previously, but it has not.</p>

<p>The explanations don't make sense to me because the "withholding" hasn't been referred to previously either.</p>

<p>Help me understand!</p>

<p>That explanation sounds like bogus. It’s not improper to say “the failure” when the failure hasn’t been referred to previously. I think (C) is wrong for two reasons. First, it should be “the failure to give,” not “the failure at giving.” Second, it should be “interferes,” not “would interfere.”</p>

<p>I second dchow. I don’t know what’s up with the CB explanation.</p>

<p>OK, the correct answer has already been established, but the explanation makes sense since (C) says “the failure…would interfere” whereas (E) says “the withholding…interferes.” </p>

<p>(C) seems like it is responding to something previously claimed, i.e. in “but wouldn’t it…?”, the use of “would” is warranted</p>

<p>by omission of “would,” the sentence becomes a simple statement rather than a hypothetical taken out of context</p>

<p>thank you for your help!
but why doesn’t “would” work for the sentence structure?</p>

<p>could anyone explain?</p>

<p>“Would” is generally used in conditional or subjunctive clauses, but the sentence in question is merely a statement of fact.</p>