SAT / SAT II Math Programs for Your Calculator

Welcome to ELASLAWEK's Calculator Programs for the SAT/SATII Math exams.</p>

<p>Each program has a name.
Enter What I write into the program name
Every line is a new line
Sqrt(x+1) = The square root of (x+1)
x^2 = x squared.
Pi = Pi (3.14159)</p>

<p>Hopefully you'll enjoy.</p>

<p>Program : Quadratic Solver</p>

<p>Prompt A
Prompt B
Prompt C
B^2-4AC--> D
Disp "D="
Disp D
Disp Q
Disp W

<p>Program : Area of Triangle using 3 sides</p>

<p>Disp "Side A"
Input A
Disp "Side B"
Input B
Disp "Side C"
Input C
Sqrt((D)(D-A)(D-B)(D-C))--> E
Disp "Area=?
Disp E

<p>Program : Distance between 2 Points </p>

<p>Prompt A
Prompt B
Prompt C
Prompt D
Sqrt((A-C)^2+(B-D)^2)--> E
Disp "Distance ="
Disp E

<p>Program : Midpoint</p>

<p>Prompt A
Prompt B
Prompt C
Prompt D
(A+C)/2--> E
(B+D)/2--> F
Disp "X Midpoint="
Disp E
Disp "Y Midpoint="
Disp F

<p>Program : Sum of X Consecutive integers</p>

<p>Disp "Sum of"
Input S
Disp "Sum of 1 to S="
Disp A

<p>Program : Sphere</p>

<p>Disp "Radius="
Input R
4PiR^4--> Y
Disp "Volume="
Disp Z
Disp "Surface Area="
Disp Y

<p>Program : Cone</p>

<p>Disp "Radius="
Input R
Disp "Height="
Input H
Disp "Slant="
Input S
PiR^2+PiRS--> W
Disp "Volume="
Disp V
Disp "Surface Area="
Disp W

<p>NOTE : These programs are the ones I find most useful so I don't waste time.
I will be adding more programs to this post at a later time. If someone finds a mistake, please let me know. If someone wants me to make them a program, just let me know.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>I can answer any questions.</p>

<p>This is good, but it’s best to understand the concept. There are times when you aren’t allowed to use a calculator during a math test.</p>

<p>allright well i’m completely new to this… but before i even ask how to get to your instruction of programming them in… are these possible on a ti-83 plus? And if they are… what do i press to get to the prompt A…B… C parts? lol</p>

<p>For everything other than the quad formula (and if you are good at factoring, which most quad formula things are because on the website it says you can do w/o calc and with quad form to get an exact value without a radical you may need a calc, you do not need it)…</p>

<p>Nice post though, this helps a lot…</p>

<p>Well, I just use this instead of, say, using the quadratic formula. It saves time.</p>

<p>MDE - Yes,I use these on my ti-83+. To get prompt , press 2nd, catalog (0), then press P and scroll down for Prompt. Then insert Alpha A. then press enter. Then do the promt thing again and now alpha B, etc.</p>

<p>10x a lot .Actually the pgram for mid point of a line is not that useful (x1+x2)/2 and (y1+y2)/2 is easy to remember .</p>

<p>Can you please add a program for area of equilateral triangle using altitude ?</p>

<p>CR7 - using the altitude?
So You input the altitude, it divides by Sqrt 3, stores that as a side, and finds the area?
Or just tell me the formula for the area using altitude.</p>

<p>Well if the altitude in a equilateral triangle is ‘‘h’’ ,after you do some algebra,the expression of the side in terms of ‘‘h’’ is ( hsqrt(3) ) /3</p>

<p>And then ,knowing the formula for the area of equilateral triangle using a side ,
A = ( s^2sqrt3 ) /4 ,it will be ( ( hsqrt(3) )^2sqrt(3) ) /4</p>

<p>Program : Area of an Equilateral Triangle Using Altitude</p>

<p>Disp “Height”
Input H
Disp “Side=”
Disp S
Disp “Area=”
Disp A

<p>I made this one to show yuou the side just in case you might need it also.
I haven’t checked it but it should work.
Any other requests?</p>

<p>Bump (10 char)</p>

<p>I’m kind of new to the whole “program” idea - how do you put them on your calculator?</p>

<p>Spratleyj -
Press the button PRGM. Its in the middle sort of.
Scroll twice to the right and press new. Enter then name you want for it.
Press enter.
Enter the information.
Atfer putting stop, use second quit. then press PRGM and staying on EXEC, press the program you want and then press enter 2 times.</p>

<p>just a question how do you put stop and Disp?</p>

<p>an dis the –> just the sto key?</p>

<p>Yes –> is the Store key.
For Disp, press 2nd, catalog (0), then press D and scroll down for Disp.
For Stop, press 2nd, catalog (0), then press S and scroll down for Stop.</p>

<p>NOTE - The area of a equilateral triangle is wrong I think. I can’t find where I messed up.</p>

<p>i keep getting syntax error on the (-B+Sqrt(D))/(2A)–>Q part of the quad solver… the –> is just 1 sto key right? i compared it several times and it looks identical. Yes i closed all parentheses.</p>

<p>Hey elaslawek, if you don’t mind, here is a FOIL program i made. Its a simple program and a simple concept, but it helped me a lot speed-wise. By the way, the answers come out in X^2 , X, Constant, format.
EX: Say u do (1X + 4)(1X+5). The answer will come out as
20… which corresponds to
(1X^2 + 9x + 20)</p>


<p>Disp “(AX+B)(CX+D)”
Prompt A
Prompt B
Prompt C
Prompt D
Disp (A<em>C)
Disp ((A</em>D)+(B<em>C))
Disp (B</em>D)</p>

<p>–> is the store key. Correct.
The program should be correct. Maybe you have a mistake in an earlier line.</p>

<p>Dagol12 - thanks. Ill be sure to add it.</p>

<p>how do you delete your programs?lol</p>


<p>Go to MEM (2nd +)
then Mem Mgmt/Del
Hit 7 for Prgm
Press delete on the prgm u want to delete</p>