SAT score report help?

<p>I just sent in my SAT scores to Boston College. However, I messed up and sent in ALL my scores, including my first SAT and a subject test that I bombed. How much will this affect my final decision?</p>

<p>I got a 1850 (690 CR, 560 M, 600 W), on my first SAT, and a 2120 (700 CR, 690 M, 730 W) on my second. I took 3 subject tests (760 USH, 740 English and 580 French). I had been planning to drop the French and my 1850. </p>

<p>Will this reflect badly on me?</p>

<p>When yousend mutltiple tests it uses highest SAT section scores and two highest SAT IIs to determine admission so it will not hurt you.</p>