Sat scores to ucs?

<p>I originally sent a score report of only some of my SAT IIs but I’ve recently been told that you need to send all scores to the UCs. Can I somehow cancel or alter my current score report? And if not, what should I do?</p>

<p>You cannot cancel or change your report once you submit it. I would send it again and include all of your SAT scores (ie. no score choice)</p>

<p>UCs ask for all scores but there is no penalty for using Score Choice. If you sent your top scores, stop worrying.</p>

<p>I know you have to send in all of your SAT I scores, but what about your SAT II scores? I thought you could just send in your top 2 scores. For example, my DD has 3 SAT II scores but she has only sent in (and reported in her UC app) the highest 2 scores of those 3. </p>

<p>Does this violate their policy?</p>

<p>^I believe it technically does… though I don’t think they’ll have any way of finding out.</p>

<p>When you send scores to UCs, it says somewhere that they make you send all test scores, but for some reason you are able still omit some scores… I would send all scores to be on the safe side.</p>