sat scores

<p>I once heard somebody say that once you have at least a 2200+ and if your score isn't totally lopsided (like an 800 or high 700s in two sections and in the low-mid 600s on another), then the score is fine. To what degree is that true?</p>

<p>I would say once you have a 1500 (i.e. 750 math and 750 CR) and at least a 700 in writing then the score is fine. That adds up to a 2200, but I think a 1500 in CR and math is important, since the CR and math sections hold the most weight in my opinion.</p>

<p>Is my score breakdown fine?:

<p>Take a look at: Percentage of students accepted by SAT range
[Princeton</a> University | Admission Statistics](<a href=“]Princeton”></p>

<p>Wow that stats page is pretty cool. A combined 4.0 and 2300+ would give a decent chance of admission.</p>