SAT Subject Score help?

<p>Hey! I need some advice for my Subject Scores. I got a 660 Literature and a 590 U.S. History. I'm applying to some really reach schools (UChicago, UPenn, Princeton, among others) and I wanted to know if I should retake U.S. History. I got a 2120 on my SAT and I have pretty strong extracurriculars and leadership positions. Advice?</p>

<p>I cannot tell you whether to retake or not, only that 700 is about the baseline for most applicants at those schools, perhaps in the 600s if you are come from a disadvantaged background/HS and/or have a very strong application in other ways. IMO, and others may not agree, when you get into the 500 range, there may be some concern by adcoms that you are not prepared to be successful at a highly selective school like the ones you’ve listed. This is also something you might want to consider.</p>

<p>Again, I cannot see your entire application (and descriptions are really not adequate), so my comments are general in nature, not specific to your situation.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply! I was expecting something along those lines. :confused: I have no doubt that I’m prepared enough to be successful at one of these schools. The thing is that I go to a public school in Puerto Rico, and the reality is that the system here really does not prepare you for these Subject Tests (or for the SAT for that matter). Thanks for the advice! I know I should’ve posted more of my stats, but I thought it might’ve taken too much of your time. :confused: Merry Christmas!</p>

<p>Merry Christmas to you too!</p>