<p>So what did you guys think? During the first section I was like wow, this is really easy! Then when I got to the fill in the blank/listening comprehension...omg that was really hard. There were so many I was unsure of and some of the passages were really weird, especially that one about the lady going to work. And did anyone else get a a bunch of a letter (i forgot, maybe C?) in a row in the first column.</p>
<p>Yeah, there was a part where it was like C, C, C, C, C… I thought I was actually messing up somewhere!</p>
<p>Native speaker here, though. WAY too easy (finished with like 40 min. to spare)</p>
<p>Yeah, I also got a bunch of C’s in the first row.
This is pretty horrible, but even today I can’t remember most of what I read. I do remember something about ships and that clown thing, though.
I didn’t think the test was too bad, but then again, I took Spanish w/Listening back in November and thought I did well but ended up doing not so great.</p>