<p>What exactly will be made available online under "SAT Subject Test - Understand test performance" once these details come out </p>
<p>What will be the details available say for example, Math Level 2.</p>
<p>Does it say, how many wrong, how many were omitted, how many were correct?
Does it give the break up by topic category?
Does it give the raw score?
Does it give the percentile?</p>
<p>This being the first Subject test being taken, I am not clear as to what exactly will be available.....</p>
<p>Will we have all the above details by Nov 30?</p>
<p>As per the message, it is supposed to be available on Nov 30. I don’t see any change in status.</p>
<p>How about others? Do you get any score details or is it still unavailable for all?</p>
<p>I guess, all I have to do is to , click on “Understand your test performance” and a popup still comes stating that it will be available on Nov 30.</p>
<p>I got the score the day they were announced and the score report with my national percentile is also available for viewing. Maybe yours were delayed?</p>
<p>What exactly is the national percentile? Does it vary from place to place? assuming a perfect score in Chem or Math 2, is the percentile the same across all places? What is the percentile this time for a perfect Math 2 or Chem subject test?</p>
<p>It is mentioned “college-bound seniors” in the website regarding percentiles… Can anyone explain more on this? So if sophomores or Juniors take the same exam, will the percentiles still take only the senior group into account…</p>
<p>Can anyone help with the above clarification please.</p>
<p>I want to understand if EVERYONE who gets a 800 for example will have the SAME percentile. </p>
<p>Just to elaborate, say for example a person scores 800 in Math level 2 (0 questions wrong) and another person scores 800 in Math level 2 (4 questions wrong), both of them get 800… Will both of them have the SAME/Fixed percentiles?</p>
<p>If yes, what is the fixed percentile for the 800 in Math level 2 in Nov exam?</p>