SAT Subject Tests - Please Reply

<p>I'm new to subject tests and was wondering how much it would affect the admission process? Like if two people were to have the same exact stats but one had decent scores on subject tests (<700) would that person be picked over the other? Also, what are the general curves for each subject tests? If i plan to take either physics, math I or II, biology, or chemistry, what could i expect for __ wrong? Also, last question, is an AP course sufficient in order to score very high on each test? Thanks a lot for the reply's!!</p>

<p>Obviously if EVERYTHING is equal, the would chose someone with higher scores… Just a distinction… Math 2 curve is pretty generous, 43 raw score = 800.</p>

<p>1) common sense: people with higher stats are gonna be chosen over the people with lower stats. Although common sense also says that it’s gonna be hard for people to have the same qualifications so just try your best
(2) the curves change a lot depending on the tests. Best example: math 1 you miss 2 questions and you’ve lost your 800; math 2 you can miss 4 I think (something like that) and still get an 800. it’s all relative.</p>

<p>(3) In terms of the curves: pick up a blue book at the bookstore that’s the official CollegeBoard curves. </p>

<p>(4) APs should be sufficient but you’d probably need to do some prep work to fill in holes in your knowledged</p>