SAT subject tests

How can I get a perfect score in math level 2 and physics subject tests?

For math, I used the Barron’s book and studied one section per day for the month leading up to the test. As I went, I made little notes of the things I struggled with and reviewed those with my math teachers the day after I did the section, then again in the few days leading up to the test. There’s a pretty generous curve–I left 3 questions blank and still got that 800-- so you have some wiggle room.

For Math II, buy the Barrons review book and learn everything well. Make sure you can do the practice problems. Take the 6 practice tests.

For physics, you can also buy Barrons, or if you want to overprepare, buy Princeton Review AP Physics 1 and 2. Then read through, do all problems, and take practice tests.

If you prepare well, you will do well.