SAT U.S. History 2005-2010

<p>I'm using REA's AP United States History to study for the SAT II US History
Probably because mine's an old version, the review contents only cover up to the year 2005.
I do not want to miss out the five years of history from 2005 to 2010.</p>

<p>Based on the test administered after 2005, any recommendations as to what to focus on??</p>

<p>Thanks and good luck to all!!</p>

<p>SATII USH doesn’t really test on current or contemporary events.</p>

<p>The most recent you want to really know is Clinton (maybe Bush w/ 9/11 and War on Terror).</p>

<p>SATII USH doesn’t really test on current or contemporary events.</p>

<p>The most recent you want to really know is Clinton (maybe Bush w/ 9/11 and War on Terror).</p>

<p>SATII USH doesn’t really test on current or contemporary events.</p>

<p>The most recent you want to really know is Clinton (maybe Bush w/ 9/11 and War on Terror).
I agree with this</p>

<p>SATII USH doesn’t really test on current or contemporary events.</p>

<p>The most recent you want to really know is Clinton (maybe Bush w/ 9/11 and War on Terror).</p>