<p>I wrote my SAT in October and got a pretty good score. 710 on the writing with 8 on the essay, which is 97th percentile according to collegeboard. The essay was never shown along with my score.</p>
<p>Anyway, just a few days ago I had a small doubt and decided to re-check my score on the collegeboard website. I then saw an option to view my essay.
You should note that I don't really remember what exactly I wrote in October, but reading through the essay - I was horrified.
I explained the topic of my essay using three examples (which took up most of the essay's body). Two out of these three examples were utter crap and clearly made up. I wrote them because i simply could not think of sensible examples in the given 25 minutes.
One of the examples is a "literary" example which talks of a book written by Socrates. Now, for those of you who don't know - In his entire life, Socrates never put a word down on paper. I, as someone intending to major in Philosophy, know that well.
My other example was an even more blatantly bogus political situation.</p>
<p>I was just really stressed out during the essay and wrote a lot of "crap" (for lack of a better word).</p>
<p>Does this even matter, and am I over-reacting?</p>
1. Do the admission committees read through the SAT essays?
2. If yes, what kind of significance do they attach to the SAT essays?</p>
<p>Dont worry , I seriously doubt admission counselors have the time to read SAT essays. And i dont think collegeboard sends them in the first place , they just send the essay score.</p>
<p>I believe they can view the essay should they choose to however since the writing portion is not, so far, being given equal weight with cr and maths, I wouldn't worry. Also the writing portion is to test how well you write, not that you are writing factually.</p>
<p>you shouldn't worry, but a lot of you are saying that writing isn't important, well that is true for the majority of schools, but I was talking to a Middlebury admissions officer a while back and she clearly stated that the writing portion is just as important as the CR, if not more.</p>
<p>No - don't worry. However, colleges to read SAT essays to make sure they aren't receiving any expensive college counseling jobs.... Don't get me wrong, college counseling jobs are not bad, but colleges can separate those who did it by themselves and those who received help quite often with the help of the SAT writing... But again, you shouldn't worry too much.</p>
<p>No thats not the point, my essay is not too bad from a stylistic point of view (although i got only an 8), it just calls into question my character. Or does it?</p>
<p>Don't worry about it. Colleges VERY seldom refer to your SAT essay and even then they understand the circumstances (you were given a mere 25 minutes to write about a topic you've never seen before, etc.). Also, if it's any consolation, my essay was complete crap too.</p>