Satii Us History Prep Book

<p>Which SAT II US HISTORY prep book do u guys think is the best???</p>

<p>I seriously hav zero knowledge in US HISTORY, what book do u think covers all the knowledge that is required for SAT II US HISTORY??</p>

<p>Kaplan SAT II US History</p>

<p>Sparknotes...I used it and got a 770 (although without using any books I got a 5 on the AP, so I'm not sure how much Sparknotes helped...but the 5 practice tests are VERY similar). </p>

<p>It's like $10 I think for all of Sparknotes practice tests...highly recommended.</p>

<p>wat about the practice tests (accuracy-wise; how close it is to the actual test)</p>

<p>"...but the 5 practice tests are VERY simlar..."</p>

<p>They were very similar. On the final practice test I took, I got a 780. Real thing = 770 two days later.</p>

<p>Oh, and after taking 2-3 of the 5 tests, you'll notice a lot of topics that seem common to all of them (and even specific questions)...the real test felt like just another practice test.</p>