SAT's When your thinking beyong HYP...

<p>It seems like 97 percent of the students posting on this site are aiming for a seat at the "top" ivies (I know, you shouldn't say the "top" ivies because they're all top...but you know what I mean)...those people usually want 780-800's on everything, but realistically, for the other ivies (Columbia, Cornell, UPenn, Dartmouth, Brown) and other top tier schools, what should one aim for? a 690 or low 700 on something okay if you want to go to, like, Vassar? If you can, post a top-but not HYPSM school below-- and the average score ranges for SATII's and SAT's (because they don't usually post the SATII score range anywhere anyway)...</p>

<p>no comments?? there has to be some non-harvard-bound person out there with an opinion :)</p>

<p>Depends on what you mean by "not exactly top, but top" schools. UC's? Swat? Or do you mean just regular schools (local LAC's...state schools)?</p>

<p>I'm referring to private colleges that have an approximately 30-45% applicant admission rate. Top tier, excluding ivy.</p>

<p>A 700 is pretty decent. My rule of thumb is:
700 - you can go to almost any college; work on other parts of your app
600 - you can go to a decent second-tier college
500 - work on that score or you might well end up in a community college</p>

<p>Okay, what the heck is with everyone and associating a 500 with a community college?!</p>

<p>Community colleges DO NOT spell loser-dom. A 500 is AVERAGE. Just that, AVERAGE. Don't down someone because they are average. ARGH.</p>

<p>If you believe honestly that a 500 will land you in a flippin' CC, get over yourself. It'll get you into a state school or a nice LAC. RAWR.</p>

<p>And no, I don't have a 500 on anything. But I do know that alot of my very very VERY smart friends have 500's and I think that shouldn't put them in a COMMUNITY COLLEGE.</p>

<p>People, wake up. A 600 is great, a 700 is commendable. A 500 is just there, but that's no reason to condemn someone to a flyin' CC.</p>

<p>And no, I'm not flaming anyone in particular. I'm just so fed up with that thought process.</p>

<p>at princeton he said high 600s to low 700s are fine just as mid 700s and high 700s are fine.</p>

<p>arg.. i always like a 700 was awesome.. honestly, nation wide.. IS IT OR IS IT NOT.. anyone know what the percentage of people that get 700's are? Again, the world BEYOND cc.. lolol..</p>

<p>Sugarplum- Yeah I'm one guy who's not applying to HYP or any other Ivies. I'm very interested in Wesleyan and its median SAT scores are 710(CR, 710(M), 720(WR).</p>

<p>I think the median at Vassar is probably somewhere around those scores. :)</p>

<p>700 is like the 95th percentile in Verbal, I know that...When I got my 650 in verbal I was in the 89th percentile, and so 700 is well into the top 10%.</p>

<p>well....realistically, I would say low 700's is in the ballpark you want to aim for if you're thinking about the "low" ivies. However, we're assuming that the rest of your application (GPA, essay, &c) is equally if not better than the quality of your SAT score. So, according to some college pamphlet I got, low 700's is about accurate.</p>

<p>There are no percentiles for writing but reading 700 is 95th percentile, for math 710 is 95th (I know because those are my scores). I think people on this site don't bother to really look at the middle 50% for schools. Pace University is a private university located in New York City, the middle 50% is 480-580 (V) and 500-590 (M). So the point is that yes you can get into a 4 year school with SATs below 500 (at this school 25% were below a 500 in math and 25% were below a 480 in verbal).</p>

<p>A good indicator is to look at the SAT ranges. If you are in the 75th percentile, you have a solid shot. 50th, decent shot. 25th, you will most likely need an outside hook.</p>

<p>For "low Ivies" the 75th lies around 1530 (2250), 1440 (2140), and 1350 (2010).</p>

<p>For Vassar the 75th is 1450 (2150), 50th is 1380 (2050), and 25th is 1320 (1960).</p>