Save a neurotic junior: chance me!

<p>Since all I hear (both in school and out) is college, college, college, I'd like some input on how I currently stack up as a junior. And if anyone has any helpful info from experience, I'd appreciate it. :-)</p>

- White Jewish female, upper-middle-class background (nothing special)</p>

<li>highly competitive school in central NJ</li>

SAT: 800 WR/750 CR/660 M (projected - I need to retake since I messed up in January)</p>

<p>Projected SAT II's: US History, Lit, French</p>

<p>AP Scores: 4 on AP Euro, taking APUSH this May (expecting at least a 4)</p>

<p>GPA: 4.24 W/4.00 UW</p>

<p>Rank: Top 10% at least of ~500 (my school did away with official rankings years ago)</p>

<p>I've taken all honors/AP courses when offered with the exception of math and physics. I've taken all "advanced" level math courses, which are a notch below the apparently very brutal honors courses.</p>

<p>Junior Schedule:
French IV Honors (it is basically AP French Language but without the AP name...the course is designed to prep for the exam)
AP US History
Physics I
Pre-Calculus Advanced
English III Honors</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP French Lit
AP English Lit
AP Calculus AB
AP Psychology
Required U.S. history course</p>

- One of three editors-in-chief of our weekly, award-winning school newspaper (apparently, the upper-tier schools love to take kids on the staff)</p>

<li><p>Staff member/editor of literary magazine in which I have also published poetry (3 years)</p></li>
<li><p>Assemblywoman in Youth And Government (Junior year)</p></li>
<li><p>French Club (4 years)</p></li>
<li><p>Young Democrats; participated in Get Out The Vote program during all local/state/national election years (4 years)</p></li>
<li><p>Member of United Synagogue Youth (4 years)</p></li>
<li><p>Guitar for 9 years - play in a band, record music on my computer</p></li>
<li><p>Creative writing in my spare time - working on a novel right now</p></li>

<p>Volunteer Work:
- Volunteer dispatcher for local rescue squad (2 years)</p>

<li><p>Preparing lunches for needy inner-city residents once a week (4 years)</p></li>
<li><p>Involved in various community service projects w/ French Club</p></li>

- English Department award (Freshman year)</p>

<li><p>Nominated for an award from National Council of Teachers of English - don't know the results yet (Junior year)</p></li>
<li><p>Member of French National Honor Society - placed in top 10 in the National French Exam</p></li>
<li><p>Member of National Honor Society (I'm assuming, with my GPA)</p></li>

- I am entering an essay contest for The Fountainhead - I won't know the results until the summer, but it's still a pretty big feat nonetheless, I think</p>

- Attended an enrichment program in music and writing for three years - recorded music at a studio and played local concerts in music program</p>

<li>Will be working as an intern at my local newspaper the summer before my senior year</li>

<p>These are the schools to which I plan on applying, pretty much in descending order from top choice to safety:</p>

Boston University

<p>, any advice/feedback?</p>

<p>good chances at all your colleges.</p>

<p>You sound like a very interesting applicant; I'd say you're a shoo-in at all your choices. I can tell you researched your options! Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks for your posts! Does anyone else have any input? Any advice from experience?</p>

<p>Nicely well rounded. You are not overshooting your chances. I think you will get into all of your choices. Nothing will be too hard to get into with your good scores and good EC's.</p>