Saw Occidental and loved it. Chance me?

<p>I am a junior-
Ethnicity: White/Middle Eastern/Asian
GPA: Weighted 3.8 (out of possible 4.0)
ACT: 30 composite- 33 writing, 32 reading, 24 math, 29 science. This was my first time taking it, and have since began math tutoring. I plan to take it at least two more times. I have received perfect scores on the english portions in practice tests, however my math still needs a lot of work.
Rank: Within top 25%
Grades: I messed around way too much freshmen year, I pulled myself together in Sophomore year, and Junior I am doing well. I have increased my GPA by roughly 3 points every year.
Freshman year: 89.0
Sophomore: 92.2
Junior (through third quarter) 94.7
APs: Sophomore- World History , Junior- English Language and Composition, Biology, US History. Next year- Macro and Micro Economics, English Literature, Spanish, Government.</p>

<p>In School Extra Curricular: New York State Youth and Government (first ranked team last year, nominated again this year), Middle Eastern Club, Spanish Honors Society, National Honors Society, Moot Court, Basketball, Diving</p>

<p>Out of School Extra Curricular: Service Trip to Nicaragua to build two homes in two weeks, 16 day Spanish immersion stay with a host family in Spain, employed for four months on a mayoral campaign in my town. This summer I have been accepted into a 3 week long course at Columbia on the topic of the development of third world nations. </p>

<p>Intended major: International Relations/Political Science</p>

<p>Notes: I paid very little interest my schooling freshmen year and received a frightening wake up call when I saw my grades. Since then I have attempted to continuously raise my grades, so hopefully schools will see this upward trend. I hope that I have also shown initiative through my extra-curriculars and that they demonstrate a genuine interest in politics and worldly affairs. I have certain teachers (who are very fond of me) from whom I would expect very thoughtful letters of recommendations.</p>

<p>I saw Oxy last week, and fell in love with it as well. Sadly, I don’t have the luxury of your GPA (bubbling under 3.0 :frowning: ). Based on the information session, I’d say that you sound like a pretty ideal candidate-- your ECs are impressive. If you can pull out a great essay, you should be fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for response. I wish I could help chance your situation as well, but I am unfortunately rather clueless as to how Oxy admissions work. </p>

<p>Edit: I just checked my current GPA and it is a 3.7 as opposed to a 3.8. Will that matter much? Also a few extra-curricular activities/info that I neglected to add include:

  • From the ages of 9-13 I was a world class Kung Fu competitor. Admittedly it is not the most popular sport, but I competed on a international scale, placing second at the World Championships in both Spain and Switzerland, and first in Canada. Not sure if that would have any impact on my admissions profile, but felt it was worth it to add.
  • I am the starting point guard on my AAU (a national and possibly largest travel basketball league) team
  • I have been taking intensive art classes at the Art Students League in NYC</p>

<p>The Kung Fu thing won’t really matter since it was before HS. I think you have a decent chance.</p>

<p>I saw Oxy two weeks ago and it was beautiful!!! Is a 3.7 really too low for a realistic chance?</p>

<p>^No? 10char</p>

<p>Good shot.</p>

<p>Thanks all,
Also just curious about my chances with Claremont Mckenna, Tufts, and in general other smallish/midsize school that are on the more selective end. Worth exploring? I’m entirely unsure as to what my possibilities are with these grades so any suggestions would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>CMC, probably not. Try Pitzer. Tufts, I doubt it, the school’s getting really competitive and a 30 and a 3.7 is probably not enough.</p>

<p>Thanks, I’ll take a look at Pitzer. Lastly, any shot at Vassar? I would have the benefit of a legacy.</p>