Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Finding Bigfoot is so much more interesting then 90 Day Fiance :japanese_ogre:

Really - you got together with your sons from 2 different states and your sibling with kids at 2 different universities? And here we are trying to “do the right thing” and doing pretty much nothing. I hope everyone stays well.

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Sigh. There’ll always be someone selling snake oil. Somewhere. Somehow.

I don’t know yet which bugs me more: the seller? Or the people who believe it?


Well, that was interesting. I just read the flagged content on one thread and it sure was snarky.


My gardener just charged me for lawn cutting services for a period when there was 10 inches of snow on the ground…Hmmm…no. Time for a new gardener?


I already knew that dealing with Verizon was one of the 7 circles of hell. I’ve found out that express scripts joins that distinction.


Maybe a curse to be working in a health care environment right now just for the amount of info that floats your way. You don’t have to be on the front lines to have too much info put before you to digest. Too much bad and ugly. :frowning:

Cancer is horrible and takes away those who are still too young and still needed by those around them.


You booked a vacation for winter 2020, when Covid has been around since March; you cancelled a few weeks later, because Covid, and are shocked you don’t get a full refund on everything because Covid should be a special circumstance? But Covid existed when you booked and everyone in your family was an old and frail and special two weeks earlier? And you declined to buy travel insurance, oh, that would not have covered you, because you were not sick.

Ask all the people who’ve not left their homes in 9-10 months if they feel sorry for you.


I am in Georgia on Election Day with my relatives whose political views are opposite mine. My tongue hurts from biting it so hard.


What’s a board game? Is that another antiquated thing people reminisce about, like landlines? :sweat_smile:


I knew 2021 would be better.


How do you beat the lure of free stuff?


Is it OK to have champagne for breakfast? Why, yes. Yes it is.


I am completely blown away. Our subdivision has deed restrictions, and a couple new board members have decided to get rid of them. They found a lawyer who declared them “expired,” even though we recently won a court judgment in which they were ruled valid. Dissenters are being shut down, unable to get information to counter their position. Some of us are working to stop it, but it will cost us to hire a lawyer. I am beyond angry.

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My goal was to be exercising each day by 9:00 a.m. Here I still sit in my jammies drinking coffee at 10:00 a.m. Time is so meaningless when there is nowhere to go/nothing to do. Ugh.


Sorry, but April will probably be too soon to have his memorial service. I will not be pushing my kids to come. I’m sure that everyone will think I am a witch with a capital b, but I can’t change that mindset that denies there is actually a problem. The cases continue to rise here, while the restrictions at home have resulted in a much better case load. But whatever … I will once again put my health at risk for you, but I won’t ask my kids to do the same. You really could wait a bit longer. I hope that in the end, you choose to do so.


What a freakin mess. Scary.


I didn’t have THIS on my bingo card!


So I wonder if I can’t respond to my own post here! :wink:

At Christmas I posted about my relatives having their family celebrations. How annoyed I was.

Well at one of them, there was a positive son in law. He infected his grandparents in law. (My aunt and uncle, in their 80’s) My cousin left after the super spreader event to visit her in laws (also in their 80’s) and exposed them.

How many millions of people did this happen to? Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Everyone!