Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

While I appreciate the lower insurance premiums, the hassle of dealing with reimbursement claims for FSA and HRA accounts are enough to make me just want to pay a higher premium. It is almost never simple, and the customer service reps that staff the phones are not equipped to handle anything that isn’t a completely cookie cutter situation. Today’s call took the cake though - after asking three times for an explanation that made sense and listening to the CSR simply repeat the exact same scripted words/phrases three times, I was hung up on!


Have you considered that your way may not be the only right way?


How about the ability to freaking self-edit? Some of what you’ve said is revealing ignorance.

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I swear each day I wake up with a pit in my stomach wondering what ball is going to drop today. Sometimes I wonder how I sleep.


Once again, this is a no-reply thread.

Some things are so predictable.

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Good riddance!!

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I don’t get much of a holiday on holidays. Entails so much more cooking for me than usual. And, today it meant setting an alarm and getting up before everyone else to put the strata in. I’m so tired of making sure food is always set in front of people! I don’t know how I would make it if I had a large family. I’m sick of cooking.


We have a family tradition where every Jan 1 we write letters to ourselves that we open after dinner on the following Dec 31 (NYE). Last night’s reading was tough in some ways as it did highlight some things that were missed due to covid: our son’s commencement ceremony from Stanford, our daughter’s attendance at a great summer program at UPenn, and a great vacation with my wife over her sabbatical. But, after all the letters were read we noticed that the big things, the things usually written in the opening sentences of each letter were not cancelled by this pandemic - we were together as a family, we were safe, we were healthy, and yes, we still have much to look forward to.

We also read letters that went back over 10 years and noticed even then, that the truly important things like family and health are always the most important.

Happy new year to all…


In our family, we decided today to call the past year, the year that cannot be mentioned and we have decided to call the pandemic disease, the disease which cannot be mentioned. Moving onto 2021.


Maybe the NYE and New Year Zooms were a bad idea. My friend’s daughter has used the work-from-anywhere freedom to travel the country. Cousin’s in-laws traveled this fall and caught Covid, then while having it with symptoms got on a plane to go home. Several friends caught it from their adult children. I was happier not knowing.


So tired of the games. Accept reality.


Me to person A: you’re obnoxious.
Me to person B: wow, you’ve changed, are much less obnoxious than you used to be.

A very good friend who has been sick (not covid) asked to get together. Other than my immediate family I have not seen anyone, but really felt obligated to see this friend at an outdoor restaurant. She told me that they have been very careful. After I made a reservation at a restaurant, she told me that she was seeing her godchildren before we got together. This morning she texted me to let me know she didn’t feel like sitting out in the cold today. I said maybe we should reschedule for this week. She then texted me, “I am not sure if I would be available this week between seeing my mother and seeing few friends from UK. We are also flying out this Sat to Colorado”
Say what?! How is it being careful seeing friends from UK and spending time with another family. I am not going to be nice any more until after I get my vaccine shots.


Bitcoin pricing is ludicrous :money_mouth_face:

The Common App site jammed last night for hours creating some excitement for students across the country and one in my house who waited for the last day to apply. The drama at our house reminded me of a few similar “exciting” incidents from my past and how I am too old to enjoy waiting until the last minute anymore.


People who enable are worse than the person betraying.

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The news today is much more entertaining than the football.

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Yes, if I get COVID I am blaming you.


Again, the “real” tree, was taken down by abasket, such an unpleasant job. Said “real” tree also put up by abasket alone besides H who helps get it in the tree stand.

If I ever take the step to get an artificial one, I want to hear no whining from H or our grown children. If it’s my task to do - largely alone, let it be on my terms - it will still look great and I’ll light a pine candle!!!