Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Daughter passed her state boards!!!
Daughter passed her state boards!!!
Daughter passed her state boards!!!
Awaiting the results of her national boards!!!
Crossing fingers!

Son finally graduated!
No more tuition . . . . . forever!!!


We went to a state park today, and they had a sign up saying please pay via honor system, 2 bucks per car. At least 3 of the 4 cars in front of us went through without paying. We had nothing but a $20, so my husband put it in the slot. Does that count as paying it forward, or backwards or something :)?


I hate fireworks.

My dog (sweetest little guy) is terrified and stressed. We have given him anti-anxiety drugs but it is still stressful. Hoping to make it through the night without trembling.


What percentage of us on CC are Moms? Dads? Students? pet parents, etc.
What percentage of pets ARENā€™T afraid of fireworks? Mine! Heā€™s just chillinā€™


:woman_facepalming: Oh, Michigan. You broke our hearts.


I wish there was a Snoopy doing the Happy dance emojiā€¦Someone deserves it!

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Iā€™m HOME and my luggage made it, too. @jym626 was the only bright spot of the last couple of days. I am beyond fried. Really donā€™t think I want to travel again for awhile.


What a surprise. You rolled your eyes when I asked for some teamwork on taking down the tree and packing away the holiday stuff in the attic. Even though the responsibility break down would have still been 80% me, 20% you apparently that is too much to ask.

Iā€™m awesome though so :boom:, I got it all done. Once we get an artificial tree it will be 100% to ZERO %!!!


Roll Tide! I got off work yesterday just in time for the game and basically spent the rest of the day watching football. The kids were all gone, and I needed a break.

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How the heck do we do everything we can to protect ourselves from the dreaded Covid virus, end up catching a stomach virus?

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Even though I was bummed for the outcome yesterday, it was really cool hearing the announcers say your name several times during the game - and for positive reasons. Iā€™m so proud of you and your family. May the draft go well for you this year


So on Jan 1 I have turned on the AC in our house. Will likely only be until cold front comes through tomorrow but canā€™t sleep when itā€™s 79 in the housešŸ„µ


Wow, just wow! Kudos to this young woman!


Great. The dentist I left because his covid policies were wack turns out to have been arrested in a human-trafficking/prostitution sting. Joins the ever-lengthening list of ā€œguys Iā€™ve hired locally who turn out to have terrible recordsā€.

This place is gross. I really do not think I should have to play crimes investigator like this every time I hire a guy to do a normal job.


Thank goodness that I have a kid who realizes that the Holiday doesnā€™t have to be held on a certain date. I am happy to celebrate Christmas tomorrow.


Ugh - a few days ago work up with swollen eyes, today woke up with swollen lips. I need to figure out what I am allergic to.

In a world where you can be anything, why not choose to be kind? Itā€™s a much better look.


Youā€™d think that Iā€™d be used to the good-byes by now and just be thrilled that you choose to spend a chunk of your PTO with us. But here I am, blue. Why do I never feel prepared for this?