Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Years ago, my father suggested that fire extinguishers are better for home safety than guns. You hear an intruder and spray him with the foam, and it turns out it’s your brother staggering in … it’s a messy cleanup, not a murder. If it’s really an intruder, you’ve disabled him and can call 911 (and if he’s still functioning, you can bash him over the head with the thing). And if there’s a fire, you can put it out, which my father did one year during a cocktail party, flocking the Christmas tree and providing all of us with years of laughter at how big the mess was compared with how small the fire had been.


If you want to watch football, just tell me that.


The problem today is not knowing if it’s an opinion stated as a fact. Or a fact that is interpreted as an opinion.


I really shouldn’t text what I want to text, so here goes:

You make my head spin in anger. You have one son, but somehow you missed the mothering gene and have since his birth. The vast majority of mothers would give their lives for their children - at any age. Instead, you’ve spent his whole life trying to screw him over and have always resented anyone giving him attention or positive experiences. Even now, when he’s in his 30s, you can’t stop and are proud of yourself for doing so - telling anyone you come in contact with whether they know him/you or not.

How in the world can you text about church and enjoying sermons? I think when you meet God you might be a wee bit surprised.

And all those “woe is me” texts you send me. Keep them to yourself. There’s a reason you have few friends and those you have IRL talk about you in a negative light. Those on the internet you have duped. If they only knew the real you.

I need to get back on your naughty list. You’re driving me crazy right now. I only wish I could help your son out more.

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“ Lizzo celebrates weight gain as she dances around bathroom in clinging bodysuit “ That highlights the surreal reality we live in


Wet, heavy snow here in DC area. Federal Gov’t closed, schools closed, lots of accidents and road reports are terrible.

So of course it’s a major issue among some in my community because trash won’t be picked up today (they will pick up tomorrow).



I’m really enjoying the news today. Cognitive dissonance is on full display.

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Our power has been off since 9 a.m. Thank goodness for our (almost) whole house generator.


We got our snowmobile today!! I feel like a kid. I’m glad the majority of people don’t realize what an incredible playground Maine is in the winter. “Breathtaking” is overused but it applies here.


The highway is closed, north to south. Sure, some spots seem clear, but the PUD & DOT are trying to stay ahead of the poles and trees falling. Thanks for sharing how you got around the closure. :roll_eyes:

Big thanks to all the utility and DOT workers out there trying to get everyone back on line.

Happy the weather kept us home instead of our usual Christmas week there. Hoping there’s enough in the propane tank to keep the generator over there running until the power is back.


Why does every little thing have to be so complicated? They sent me an email with an attachment with my Covid test results. The attachment needs a password to open. But there’s no information on how to create the password or what the password is. What’s the point?


Dementia is a cruel disease, both for the patient and their family. It is hard enough for a patient who has resources and a loving, dutiful child who is willing to plan her life around providing support. I shutter to think what is like for someone who has no caring family or resources.


On your website, Antigua, you say that full vaccination is necessary to enter the island.

And then you say a negative test is required.

Well, which is it? Or is it both?

How about creating a process flowchart clearly showing what is required:

Vaccinated? Yes – enter the country. No – negative test required.


Sis, didn’t you see this coming? When you spent a small fortune to send your daughter to an extremely selective liberal arts college in New England to earn a degree in a major with very modest salary outcomes did you expect her to do well financially? Several years after she graduated - and still cannot afford an apartment on her own - you are fretting about her never being able to own a house, save for retirement, or even have savings. Your daughter was an incredibly accomplished high school student who could have attended any number of top universities and studied any major.

You should have taken a cue from your sister, whose kids studied nursing and business/finance. Both have great jobs, with high incomes, and they already have substantial nest eggs in their late 20s.

The bright side is that, after seeing your daughter’s situation, my wife now agrees with me that we should only support our boy’s college plans if they study a major that results in meaningful, gainful employment (think engineering, business, nursing, etc.). They can minor in 14th Century Persian Poetry as long as they are pulling strong grades in their major that results in a career.


So many people wish they had the nerve (but are too polite) to say this to your face: your husband is an obnoxious, loud-mouthed, crass, boorish jerk who offends and insults and embarrasses people everywhere he goes. Why my DH agreed to meet him for lunch after the horrible, crazy ranting texts your husband sent to him (all in caps) is beyond me. I guess maybe my DH thought your DH would apologize (haha that wouldn’t, and never did, happen). And then, when they went to a restaurant near DH’s office that DH brings business associates to and they know him there, your husband says something offensive and insulting and incredibly insensitive to the waitress as soon as they sit down! I shared this story with a mutual friend and she said to me that she hoped the waitress spit in your husband’s food! And that is not something I would normally expect this mutual friend to even think!!! WTH do you see in your husband? None of us get it. You are better and deserve better than that.


Oh, so you think the vaccine has a microchip in it? Do you still believe that while your teenager is now really sick and battling covid? You know he begged you for the vaccine. I have no idea how you live with yourself. My stomach is turning over this.

Never will I ever post a photo of my new toilet on Facebook. Even if it did cost $8,000. Which, by the way - regardless of how much money I had, I would never spend that much on a toilet!!! But, you do you!! :toilet:


You have no plan, you’ve never had a plan.


Seriously, a Love Island game is an appropriate crawler ad?!

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Dude. Seriously?

Lather, rinse, repeat.