Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Sorry Mr. ( or Ms.) Amazon delivery person. I tried to buy those hex weights in a store but couldn’t find them in stock…… :weight_lifting_man:


You are a nurse in a doctor’s office, we have been in a pandemic for almost 2 years, and you have to be told by a patient to wear your mask properly?


Don’t know whether to SMH or simply stay in my bubble of disbelief. HOW the Blinkedy Bloopedy, Frugging Heck are you complaining about paying for a COVID test when you are spending the GDP of a small nation on sending your kid to an ‘elite’ institution.

THIS. is where the concept of elite entitlement comes to full fruition.


Our trip to a bowl game was derailed by a person who didn’t wear a mask while at work in a medical setting and spent all day in close contact with someone who that same day tested positive for COVID and has symptoms… first world problem, I know, but geeze.


When the weatherwoman says “50% chance of snow,” get the snow shovel ready. :frowning:

So. Sick. Of. The. White. Stuff. Ugh!!!


Oh, my dear old recently-diagnosed autistic friend, who now sees the diagnosis as a Rosetta stone, and is busily assembling the world into kin, allies, and enemies, and is making balletic leaps using not nearly enough information, somehow always landing on “x is out to get us”. I’ve watched this sort of thing so many times. Generations of recently-self-identified [identity group] enlarging a perceived army by running around deciding that [famous figure] is [identity] and that this is the most important thing to know about them and their work. I’ve heard this all before, how autistic children need rescue from non-autistic parents, how everything leads to eugenics, the demands that, with the best will in the world, cannot be met. I know you’re exhilarated in your new activist world, and you want me to declare myself an ally, but I am a friend, not an ally, and although I’ll fight I don’t play armies. The world is too complicated for that, and besides, I think you’re missing a lot that I’m not going to bother discussing because I already know the conversation can’t go anywhere good. I can’t follow you where you’re going. I’m sorry. I’m here if you feel like coming back to visit, but I don’t think you will. You’re a good person and I’ll miss you and your friendship.

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While so many are focused on gaining admission to the most highly rated “prestige” schools, it is worth remembering that we have an embarrassment of riches with our many extremely strong state universities. I live in MI, and just in the Big10 we have powerhouses like UofM, UIUC, Purdue, Indiana, UW Madison, which are highly ranked in varied fields like business, the physical sciences, music, and engineering.

Around 10 years ago, the WSJ ranked US universities based on feedback from corporate recruiters, and of the top 25 schools, 20 were flagship state schools. The only Ivy to make the list was Cornell, due to it’s strong engineering program. In their comments, recruiters specifically stated that they avoided Ivy League schools because of their graduates’ sense of entitlement. The number one school in the survey: Penn State.

Granted, the survey was focused on recruiters from large US firms that might have been looking for people to fill their junior or middle management ranks. A survey of consulting firms and investment banks would have likely yielded very different results. That said, be thankful we have so many great state schools.


If you’re going to have a gun of any sort on you (hunting, protection, whatever) be DARN sure you confirm what you’re shooting at before you even point the thing!!!
:broken_heart: :cry:


It is not a good idea to google a series you’ve just started to binge-watch. Too many spoilers. :open_mouth:


It’s one thing to pay more and get less because of the pandemic; I get that and can live with it. But in this case, I paid a premium and waited several months for a very highly recommended subcontractor only to have him screw up something that cannot be corrected without significant delays and expense. We’re going to let it go for now, but eventually I will have to deal with it. We should name the house Casa Snafu.


You’re not the only one trying to make a tight connection. Please wait your turn to deplane. So rude. :rage:


No New Years plans? Couples group which gathers each year (except last year) didn’t invite you both, and they won’t come to your house. You have no idea what’s up……uhh, you’re not vaccinated, won’t mask or distance, but somehow that hasn’t occurred to you because “you’re over covid and it’s not real”.

Sometimes I’m embarrassed I even know you.


My dear friend had to evacuate her condo because the wildfire in Colorado is a mile from her place. She doesn’t know if she’ll have a home come tomorrow. :cry:

Let it snow…. please.


Floods in WA, deadly tornadoes ripping through several states, and now wildfires in CO. :frowning:

I was able to see my extended family down in Cancun for the holidays and spent Christmas with my mom, daughters and grand baby. I don’t want to use up all my luck, I am going to hunker down for a while now. (Not even fresh oysters got me out of the house yesterday)


I’m stuck in Atlanta. After having my flights canceled Wednesday, I made it here yesterday but then the second flight to Maine was canceled at the last minute. @thumper1 saw my Facebook post and alerted @jym626 who kindly picked me up at the airport and let me stay at her house. I’m rebooked through JFK this afternoon. I will be shocked if I get home tonight but maybe I’ll get lucky. The airport is a complete zoo. I’m not sure what will happen with my luggage.

I was on hold from midnight to 6:30 am making sure my flights today were set. I just kept the phone next to my head while I slept. I woke up when the agent finally picked up. This whole thing has not been handled well, to put it politely.


RIP Betty White. :cry: You were just a month older than my mother and I always think of you and Mom being so much alike. I hope she makes it to 100 and I’m sad that you didn’t.


I swore to myself that I wouldn’t help you the next time you injured yourself trying to pretend you could still play sports like when you were younger. But sure enough, today you come home from tennis with a pulled hamstring and there I am helping.

Good thing we had no plans for tonight.


As I was cleaning out my apartment I found an external disk player with usb connector. Best present ever.
I have to say, at first I looked at it and was wondering what it was.