Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

We had “funds” that had to be donated from hubbie’s work “account” before Dec. 31. We donated to the local food bank and asked my husband’s company to match it; the company is listed as a corporate matching donor).

Today, he got an email saying “they only match educational institutions”. So, we can donate to a college, but can’t donate to people including students who need food with no questions asked.

Why bother setting up this account, with local and national charities if you only want the dollars going to ?

A day at the beach ?

It’s cold this morning.

In other thread, a poster noted that students accepted to Penn State who expressed an interest in meteorology were taken to a nearby Accuweather location.

Not sure why, but the above referenced post caused me to wonder about revisit days for students accepted to the University of Miami who expressed an interest in meteorology.

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I texted what I really thought today and got myself on the naughty list. It’s been three years. I was frustrated. I’m still frustrated. I prefer problems I can fix instead of those I can merely watch.


One of my closest friends is in the ER - she has severe depression. It’s unbelievable how indiscriminate mental illness is. She has a stable family and solid financial circumstances. Her kids are grown and doing OK. The chemicals in her brain are just off. :frowning:

I am so confused by you. You had to go into the office one day for a few hours and tell me you are freaking out that you might have caught Covid. Yet you are still planning to travel to a wedding this weekend, which involves a hotel stay, a long car ride, a train ride, a stay at a friend’s house, and then the actual wedding (which I assume will require eating in a room with lots of people)?

  1. Eagerly awaiting when my college will supply high quality masks for faculty & staff. Sarcasm intended.

  2. Good for you, Australia!


Because it’s nice to read some good news for a change!

“It’s really quite remarkable. This dog definitely saved their lives. I don’t think they would have survived the night given the temperatures.”


You have said many wonderful things, but your latest proclamation reminds me why I left the fold.

I am sorry, but I am also not sorry, I lost it but I work better under people with true leadership characteristics. Strolling in 2 hours after your employees arrive and leaving before they leave just boils my blood.

PS I have starting applying to new jobs. This is what happens when you don’t take care of your team….


Looks like it’s going to be a long couple of months…


Happy 75th birthday to the fearless runner!


Ohohoho. Oh ho. Oh, quads, yes, I understand that I just haven’t been a runner for a while, and now apparently I am again, and I apologize. It Gets Better. Just quit playing games with me when it’s time to put socks on or climb up on chairs to get things.

Also, Nike Run Club, what is with your millennial coaches whose coaching is this endless stream of talk about how hard and awful everything is but ugh but you-can-do-it-just-go-easy? How did you manage to make a coaching session with Mo Farah turn into that? Like dude, you’re bringing me down, I’m tryna run here. The weirdest thing is the dissonance between the “I am three melted sticks of self-doubt” and the chirpy perky voices. Could you please cordon off the GenX/Boomer “let’s have a party/it’s Rocky time” coaches somewhere so we know where to find them? I’d email you about it but you exist only for show on twitter and IG.


Holy crap. One of our main Urgent care is closed for 5 days due to a staff shortage. If that’s not a wake up call I don’t know what it :flushed:


Stop throwing shade at my kiddo for getting accepted EA to 2 schools - it is not illegal (as you claim) to have applied to more than one school for early action. Know the difference between EA and ED. You can apply to all the schools in the Milky Way under Early Action! Your texts and comments reveal the ignorance that was one factor in you being rejected this round. You own this failure. Also, you should have spent more time studying and less time ha-ooking up with Brad & Chad, drinking, vaping, and getting highlights. Everyone is laughing at your indignation.


Sitting in your office coughing while you waited for your test result. And now you say you’re asymptomatic positive? We are not that stupid.


I’m probably the only one who reads Mary Worth (I read all the comics), but I really hope Wilbur falls overboard.


I do not think that word means what you think it means.


So he wouldn’t even come see you for almost a year, because he was living with his high risk parents and couldn’t expose them to Covid. Supposedly, they were living like hermits, didn’t even leave the house. You were so careful and isolated for that entire time, frankly it broke my heart.

Now, with things at an all time high, his parents are upset that you don’t want to travel to a family wedding. They are going, despite being high risk and having to drive through a snowstorm. I wonder if they were really so careful all those months, if they see no problem with this.


Come on, “elite” LAC. You told us 3 days ago that we would be hearing about spring plans “very soon”. What are you waiting for? Your peer institutions have already released their plans. Are you reading them looking for ideas since you have none of your own??


Please, executive committee of this organization: if you are supposed to be the leaders, lead by example and demonstrate good judgment, and for the safety of your members, postpone your meeting or hold it virtually. Your membership is mostly old and fragile. WTH are you thinking???