Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Don’t hate me, but it’s great that the news stories are about our extended period of sub-70 degree weather rather than an extended period of sub-freezing weather.


Your lack of planning is unbelievable. How can you run a company? Escapes me. :confounded:

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I am pretty darned sure you have co-workers who greatly resent you.

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I’m not your biggest fan, but I like the way you have supported both of your daughters.


Thank you DOT and PUD for all of your work over the past 4 days to clear and reopen the highway and get power and water back in service.

Thanks to the full-timers who walked around the area and checked on people and property so those of us who weren’t there didn’t have to worry.

I hope the propane company can handle the demand to fill the almost-depleted tanks.

Barring flooding, landslides, and the inevitable trees falling again/still on power lines we’ll be able to visit for a couple of days this weekend.

And you people who want underground lines in a rural area? Shush. Unless you want to cover the $Ms to do it…


Yes, sanity has been restored. There will be no traveling to a wedding this weekend. Everybody is relieved (although a little sad about not being able to go).


Again I feel that I am living in an alternative universe where I wear masks and no one else around me does.


I’m not interested in your impostor syndrome, your actual imposturing, or your bad ideas about “marketplaces of ideas” that were so popular with greedy techbros of 2006 that they gave us the horrible world we live in today.


Got a new puppy! Got a new puppy!

A little AussieDoodle.

It’s like the toddler years have resumed!

Brightly colored toys everywhere, monitoring eating and bathroom habits closely, and trying to instill decent behavior while laughing at puppy waddles and tumbles.

Life is better.

And oh yeah, S21 returns to school (DC) today. He realizes (and chuckles) that his departure has been thankfully overshadowed by 5 pounds of a multicolored furball. I’m sad to say goodbye to S21 but am happily distracted.


Great. So now you’ve got Covid, after going to San Diego for NY weekend, decrying “masks and shutdowns are what’s killing us!” and your stance is “we all need to get it to build herd immunity” - build it without me please!


“The tiny city of Rainier, southeast of Olympia in Thurston County, got a record 10 inches of rain in 24 hours.”

:flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

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Oh, my gosh!! Don’t answer your phone only to say, “Can I call you back later? I’m in a restaurant right now.” Just don’t answer your phone!! Why do old people (:grimacing: sorry, but this is the group guilty of this in my world) do this???


No going over this weekend. Road flooded to the south and I don’t want to get stuck if the Dose floods and we get trapped and I miss my appt on Tuesday. The kid will just have to deal with whatever is there next weekend. Sigh.

Just ‘listening’ to some people talk on-line it’s clear why they are divorced, estranged, have kids that don’t hang around much. If these folks are even 50% as miserable IRC…yikes.


RIP, officer Jedi. :cry: :dog2:

I’m sure anyone getting older knows in some way or another, but the idea of plausibly having a major medical issue to deal with and not knowing one way or another until the end of March or beginning of April is difficult to get off the mind. It was easier when it was totally unknown - and before I put 2+2 together to figure out the plausible (for me) cause.

The problem with scheduling lies on my end, not theirs, so no need for PM’s to let me know how I could get it done quicker. We have our trip plans for Feb that I want to get in without knowing - just in case - and then we have medical issues with FIL that we have to isolate and be there for.

I’m hoping venting on here lets my mind think about it, put it into words, and move on like it was yesterday morning before it all came together. There’s nothing different in what I “feel,” just everything different with perception. The brain is a weird thing. (sigh)

Today’s schedule just became, “cleaning for half an hour - everyone pitching in - then Terraforming Mars - a long game we all enjoy.”

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Doesn’t matter how well they play against anyone else, Montana St just can’t do it against North Dakota St.

I want to like the school my child attends but they continually propose policies that really make me angry and I can’t wait to write that last freaking check and be done.


Quit your whining about not being able to take your expensive, multiple trips. The privilege sometimes reeks…… :roll_eyes: