Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Twenty-two months. It took twenty-two months for you to find us. Thank god we are vaccinated. I hate you Covid.


Beginning to suspect that I may have a bit too much time on my hands.

I actually spent time this morning debating whether shaving makes me look ten years younger or whether not shaving makes me look ten years older.


I am so sorry that they found him dead, but I am glad that his remains were found. I am sure his family expected this outcome, not that they gave up hope. At least they have closure.

Wait, Road Association Treasurer. You’re telling us, the 12 other homeowners on the road, that if we want to pay our annual dues in installments we have to make the deposits ourselves and give you the deposit slips?? And you use a bank that doesn’t even have a local branch? That’s nuts. I’m the treasurer of a road organization with 42 lots and it’s my responsibility to make deposits of checks that dribble in all year. Here’s what I will do. Write out a check each month as I’ve been doing and get to the bank when I feel like it.

Then on top of that, you let your young dog run loose, which is a violation of state law. Today she got our puppy so excited that he ran through the invisible fence to play with her. Grr. I’m glad my daughter saw what happened and managed to call our dog back.


I never gave much credence to conspiracy theories until I read multiple articles claiming that puppies sleep 18 to 20 hours a day.


Your kids are feral and without boundaries. They don’t wear masks, shoes, helmets, or clothes. Your nine year old daughter pees in the alley, your dog poops on our yard, and your mother screams through our windows. Riding a skateboard down a street with heavy traffic should not be encouraged. You can’t even abide by the trash rules. All of the kids were disruptive in public school and THAT is why they got kicked out of the illegal religious school you moved them to so they didn’t have to comply with the law.

And no, I won’t “ethically” share your parking and towing bill after you parked egregiously in front of our house.

Personal responsibility. Figure it out.


Apparently a pup tent is now a required item for your freshman student heading to Auburn.

Don’t doubt yourself.
You are smart and kind.
You will do well.
Trust yourself.
Have faith that you have been well-prepared.
Now go out there and be yourself!
We are proud of you and always, always, will be.


I pine for the days when universities were havens for civil debate, free expression and open inquiry.


New puppy.

I don’t know.

Maybe it’s me.

Maybe I am not setting a good example by using indoor facilities.


Remember when you told me you wrote your daughter’s essays and then she got an ED into an extremely elite school? I thought to myself Karma is a ■■■■■. Whelp, it certainly is. Now you find yourself in a position if not wanting to crush your kid’s dreams because you have no idea how to pay for this. The prestige doesn’t seem so shiny anymore does it.

Some people can only drive in one lane.


Now that most of his acceptances are in – how does a parent compete against the lure of a girlfriend’s college that is OOS and costs much more than several excellent in-state options?

By spitballing the idea of purchasing a new cello since the in-state options are so much cheaper.

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MIL, I am glad that you are super busy playing bridge every day. You definitely need the companionship & mental stimulation. But I truly hope you aren’t telling your friends that your kids never call. They have both been trying to reach you, to say hi as they typically do. Your phone is either off the hook or unplugged, and i don’t think you ever even turn your cellphone on. Maybe you could actually call your children once in awhile?


One kid landed a job he wanted. Another signed a contract for a property he wanted.

What a wonderful day of news sharing! Super good news twice in one day is rare and makes a mama feel really good! (Now the part I don’t want to say) It’s cherished because the way my body felt yesterday, I don’t know that my news I’ll get to share after testing in latter March will be in the “good” range.

Seize the day.


Stupid dog. Will you behave at the next doggie introduction so we can adopt a sibling for you?


My question was simple: how old are you? Your son was on the verge of tears as he refused to answer. As soon as we were alone your daughter told me the truth.

You told your son to lie about his age and told your daughter to lie about her brother’s age. Great parenting. I’d say that I hope it comes back on you that you’ve taught them to lie, but I wouldn’t wish ill for the kids.

Is it because the price goes down for older kids? Oh how I wish I could prosecute you for theft of services, but that’s not my job.

There is a reason you got rejected from all 13 sorority houses at your university. Yep - it was me. Bullying isn’t cool and it doesn’t help your social status. :honeybee:

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Huh, snowmobiling on ungroomed trails in the wilderness is a little more harrowing than on the groomed trails I’ve done in the past. It may take me a couple of rum and Cokes to recover.

Note to self: In the future, don’t put off insuring snowmobiles. We were very fortunate that our sled was OK after we ran into the tree today.

After that incident, I suggested that DH ride by himself and go exploring with our experienced friend. I stayed back at the friend’s cabin and drank beer with his wife. :sweat_smile:


Our new member of the family is a recycling genius.

Apparently, at no cost, anything can be recycled into a chew toy–at least according to the actions of our new black lab puppy.