Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

While chatting with the cashier at CVS Pharmacy, she worked into the conversation that her daughter at Vanderbilt was just accepted by Yale’s medical school. She could not have been more proud, and she promptly produced pictures of her daughter holding the acceptance letter.

Two days later, the man cutting plywood for me at Home Depot told me about his son who was being recruited by 26 colleges to play football (he was 6’ 4", 280). He had scholarship offers from, among others, UofM (the holy grail in MI), Purdue and Alabama. Turns out, the son not only was a beast on the football field, but he hit the books and had a 3.9 GPA at a strong local high school (their Robotics team is one of the strongest in SE MI). Instead of the stereotypical Div I football major - Communications, Geography, etc. - he wanted to study Cybersecurity (Purdue and UofM are #9 and #10 in Cybersecurity, respectively). Dad was lamenting that the son was leaning toward Alabama, and we kibbitzed about how he needs to accept a scholarship at a college with better academics, like UofM.

Both encounters warmed my heart. Based on their current jobs, my guess is that neither parent is rolling in the dough or comes from a long line of Ivy League alumni (I know, assumptions), yet their kids were poised to get great educations, in useful fields (sorry, 17th Century Portuguese Literature majors), at top universities. I was rooting for both of them.


Very happy Bears fan this morning!! Thank you, Robbie!


I hope it’s the kind of job you want and you take it! Really, regardless of the exact gig, it’s kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sounds exciting and exhausting, but it’s only one summer.


Aaron Rodgers being an evasive dink about his COVID vaccine status, now gets bumped out of the players as a top seed!!!

A—Karma can be a b*******
B–This proves God has a sense of humor.

Take your pick!


School starts again tomorrow. Changing the plans and putting out new information at 7pm tonight is not cool. Not at all. I’m not sure I’m sending mine now. We were ready and now, not so much.

Best. Football. Weekend. Ever.


You (local) parents who are furious about city schools all going virtual next week are clearly the same ones who acted ugly toward school administrators and teachers about taking any sort of precautions in school last year or this year. Maybe if you’d behaved more responsibly your families wouldn’t be dealing with this stuff now.


That was one of the best games I have ever watched! Thanks to both teams for playing so well - it was a pleasure to watch.

And Matthew Stafford - just wow. Your game fun to watch, as well. We miss you in Detroit, but we know that you were being held back from your potential. Way to show everyone what you are capable of doing!


Wow. I’m blown away at how amazing this weekend of FB was. Like seriously amazing.
Incredible how all were last minute plays.


Just ordered my Mahomes shirt for next week’s game watching!


OT rules are unfair. Each team should get a set of downs.


I like things with turbo engines-whether it is my new car or my new puppy.


I am just so sad. I think my cope has broken for good, and I don’t know how to fix it, and you didn’t really want to know anyway.

I take for granted that I live by the beach. I will never understand why I’m not sitting out here every day if even for 10 minutes. The waves are soothing my soul today.


Is it really so difficult to cash a check? You have had it for four months! When I reached out a month ago to make sure it hadn’t been lost and you assured me you still had it, just hadn’t gotten around to depositing it…shouldn’t that have been the incentive to do so? I hate having this one hanging out there.


A reminder that Say It Here posts must still comply with ToS.


You’re old, petty and mean. Always knew it and now others do too.

Congratulations to Big Papi for his election to the MLB HoF in his first year of eligibility.


Feeling jealous today. I found out our new police station will have a big gym, indoor basketball court and locker rooms. Meanwhile on my floor of city hall, we have one women’s bathroom - open to the public and hasn’t been renovated in over 25 years - with two stalls. The good stall has been out of order for two weeks and the other has always been fritzy requiring two flushes per trip. Is a working toilet too much to ask for? I won’t even talk.about the smell, I promise. I guess I don’t get shot at, so there is that…

Wouldn’t it be nice if model homes were more like the home you will actually end up with.


I am really tired of waiting on ds to make this decision. I know he doesn’t have much longer to make it and that my waiting will soon be over, but it feels interminable at this point.