Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Potentially the best sports day ever for me (outside of my kids sports) 3/3 for the teams I was rooting for: Nadal, Bengals, Rams! :tennis: :football:


Thank you. You’ve made my morning. When the indignation and self righteousness and pompous lecturing is at such a level
clearly I hit the nail on the head.


My dear young co-workers,
You don’t need to make nasty comments about older customers who are more comfortable with old fashioned methods and don’t always understand new fangled stuff.


Five hundred thousand dollars over ask for a house with no yard. Makes 2005 look like amateur hour.

I don’t want to see any more whining from neighborhood parents who miss out on offers of free stuff because they expected me to hold things indefinitely or to monitor Facebook constantly.


I don’t see how I will ever spend another holiday at your home.

I am so sorry if I said something that upset you.

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Happy Lunar New Year! :tiger: :boom:


Tom Brady is the GOAT. Wishing you well in your well-deserved retirement.


Good trouble Brian Flores. Good trouble.

I’m here for :fire: it up!


Uggghhh. Why did you have to wear THAT hat? Now I know for sure.

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Some people on CC are so closed minded. So willing to jump in with an opinion but yet unwilling to consider that other ways of doing things can also work.


Every hour without snow is like a day WITH sunshine. :sunny:


I find it disturbing when you are gleeful that an “anti-vaxxer” personality is dying. I find it hateful that you think vaccine-free people should be turned away from hospitals over the vaccinated. But, I still pray that your grandchildren will not have any possible adverse effects in the years to come.


Started with a pre-emptive crown procedure, and now after messing with temp crown multiple times it looks like I am going to have a root canal, which may or may not fix the problem. And, I was hoping to have this all done before a big vacation. That’s not going to happen!

Who makes a FB post giving the Wordle answer of the day with no spoiler warning?

Just noticed today is my one year anniversary on this forum. I remember being riddled with anxiety this time last year not having a clue what my daughter’s acceptances, waitlists and rejections would be. I was searching for place to somehow keep my emotions in check so I wouldn’t pass them on to my daughter. Oh how I wish I found this wonderful community a couple years earlier. I am continually amazed at the knowledge here, and the kindest of everyone who shares it so freely. This place is truly a gem and has made me a better parent at this stage in the game.


Thank you, friends, who have checked in while we await bad weather, knowing millions of us are having low-key PTSD after the events of last winter. There’s a run on stores because people fear days of no power and water again. This storm doesn’t compare to last year’s so intellectually we know a repeat of that kind of tragedy is unlikely, but it’s like a dog that’s been struck – another raised hand results in fear that it means another blow.

What’s crazy is that my FB memories showed long-term outages from a storm more than 10 years ago so it’s not like last year was a fluke. We were warned. But nothing, again, has been done. And when the power stays on (I hope), self-serving politicians will claim victory, even though that happened despite them, not because of them.


Today is the day I was supposed to fly to visit S1 and his family, to celebrate my GD’s third birthday. Well, not happening. Damn covid. I am so sick of this.

Am I the only one? NO ONE in that organization thinks “Go Commanders” sounds like “go commando”?