Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Watching a segment on Makenzie Scott’s latest gift to Communities in Schools. How awesome it must be to be making such life changing gifts to worthy organizations, particularly since they are unrestricted and can be used to meet critical needs.


Did anyone speak up that Commanders might be shortened to Commies by some? (facepalm)


Yes! Our state’s tampon tax has been repealed!! Baby steps toward providing much needed help to women related to menstruation (hmmm … that word wasn’t in my iPhone’s suggested word list as I typed it).


I am overeating in order to squash the feeling that I am going to cry , most of the day. Thanks for asking, jeez

Do all of you have something to hide that is being held over your head to keep you from speaking out? Because that is the only thing I can think of that makes any kind of sense at all.


Nice to have some Commanders in Washington.


24 years ago today, I met my girl, my heart, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, PRC.


It wasn’t long ago when most people were not familiar with autism, Aspergers, and the like. People just noted that “Dave, the electrical engineer, was awkward at the Christmas party”, or “Mable, the actuary, is a bit of a wallflower”.


Good grief. If self righteousness and a sense of being Oh.So.Much.Smarter.Than.The.Rabble could melt my screen I’d be in big trouble.


First visit with the surgeon tomorrow. Filling out the history for another go at genetic testing…more known now than 10 years ago. Makes me nervous and sick. I see a script for Xanax in my future. Bleh.

What the (expletive)! Don’t complain about me hovering while you take a shower after several falls and trips to ER and when I get up in the middle night, sometimes multiple times, to be sure you don’t fall. And have literally kept you from falling. I’m exhausted and would just like a little appreciation.


Bank 1, when you marked a check sent through your online payment system as “processed” six days after the funds were taken from my account, it seemed reasonable to think that the payee had deposited the check. When they asked about the payment due, I sent a screen shot of your “processed” page confirming that I’d sent the check well before the deadline. They never got it. You offered to stop payment on the check and put the funds back in my account. That was the least you could do.

I refused to send a replacement check because I had no confidence it would arrive on time. It was fortunate that the payee was understanding. I hand delivered a new check, drawn on a different bank, to the payee to avoid a fine.

Your payment system may be fine for big companies whose payments can be done with ACH transfers, but some of my payees have to get an old fashion paper check. I miss the old days when a photocopy of the cancelled check was included in my statements, both paper and online, for proof of payment.


Now this is a nice mini vacation. I’m hanging out in the hotel room, snacking, drinking wine, and watching Olympic curling while DH skis in lots of powder snow. Tomorrow we’ll get up early and go snowmobiling (oops, “sledding” is the correct terminology in Maine).


Woohoo. Surgery and another go round of genetic testing. Things change in 10 years, I guess. Fun times, fun times.

I find the constant barrage of commercials for online betting deeply disturbing.


Birthdays on FB are fun and all, but I am silently judging every person who fails to use a comma in a direct address. It’s, “Happy Birthday COMMA ______________.” Not, “Happy Birthday ____________”


I have tried very hard to see things from his side for a long time. I am done doing that. What he is doing to you in wrong.

How could you possibly think it was a good idea to send a home arcade basketball game to someone who just had hamstring repair surgery? Without checking to see if there was any indoor space to set it up (there isn’t and can’t go outdoors due to electronics) or if the uninjured person can move the 47 pound box (barely got it in the door) to store in the garage (I can’t). Or if the recipient would want to play it (doubt it). I can’t even say it’s the thought that counts because YOU WEREN’T THINKING!

Sure hope Amazon can pick up returns at the door.

Next time send him something he can use - like Zabar’s deli.

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The reason you’re sensing that caring for you in your recovery is an imposition - is because it is an imposition. That’s a fact. And thinking this is something we just have to get through together when your lifestyle choices and risks led to this situation- not an equal situation. And saying I’m a bad nurse because you think I have an attitude…you’re lucky I’m not showing my full attitude. Any outside help would have quit with your attitude.


Lost another HS classmate. Too many lately… :broken_heart: