Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Your 35 ACT, 1540 SAT, 4.0 UW/4.6 W kid makes me and my 3.5 UW, TO kid feel inadequate.


Found my realistic “dream house/dream location” just to find out all lots are already sold. I’ve been watching this area go up 100K over the last year
 Now husband is more interested in moving but the location is no longer available.

This is seriously the most disturbing and hurtful thing you have ever done to my little family. But you know what? We will have the last laugh and then you’ll be the ones with your face in the dirt. And no, I don’t feel bad saying it. Love WILL conquer all.

I wouldn’t have thought that a car alarm could actually go off for seven straight hours in the middle of the night without someone doing someone about it, or the battery running out. But there it was. i am SO tired.

Who knew so few could screw up so much so quickly?


The place is so popular they are releasing building lots by lottery. I guess it’s been found.
I’m blaming the husband for waiting around on this one. Sometimes procrastination is good, and sometimes not so much.

Thank you DD for making our short visit so perfect. I just love to see you happy and calm and hope that everything that is important to you will continue to be in your favor. Love you so much


Oh future son-in-law, I am so grateful to you. You are an amazing person, fit in so well with our tiny family, and such a blessing to me and of course to my daughter.


Ma is playing majong with a small group of friends again. That should be the barometer on Covid infection rate.


You and your wife are supposed to be partners in your company. Talk to each other! Please read the emails she has to print out for you, and then ask her to show you the links I send if you can’t manage to use a computer.

Start communicating with your trades/subs, too. They need detailed specs on everything to do with their jobs and aren’t getting the information. I’m not going to start printing out every document I send to you and hand delivering multiple copies to the job site.

I’m supposed to track my blood pressure twice a day until my next appointment. The doctor will flip when he sees tonight’s reading.

People have gone completely mad


I’m at a loss. You’re mad at me for not giving back something (which you claim was a gift to me BTW) that I NEVER got. You’re basically calling me a liar and/or a thief. And now you won’t talk to me to even settle a bit of this? Beginning to think you have early dementia which would be horrible but I think more likely you just aren’t taking care of yourself and definitely need a therapist. I do know your thinking is way off which isn’t like you. I’m worried about you.

I’m in the wrong line of work!

A (80 year old!) nun and former principal of a Torrance (California) Catholic school was sentenced to one year in prison on Monday, Feb. 7, after pleading guilty to embezzling approximately $835,000 from the K-8 campus to pay for personal expenses such as gambling trips.

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No, I am not going to stick around to shop in this kiosk and listen to you swearing at your young child for whatever it was they did wrong. If it’s your kiosk, serves you right. If it’s your neighbor’s, it’d be nice if you apologized. We had money and intended to spend it, but I’m not even going to look while listening to you go off on a youngster like that. There are other places to buy things from on this island.


I want to be a bigger person and be happy that you are having such a great time on your expedition. One that we planned to take together but that my H is no longer able to manage, which probably means that I never will see that part of the earth. I want to be happy for you but it’s hard. Maybe if even one of you acknowledged that we are missing from the group ?


To the neighbor who apparently walks their dogs past my house daily

Thank you for using bio degradable bags to pick up your dogs poop. Thank you for stacking the bags neatly next to my mail box. Thank you for apparently taking care to ensure the ever growing pile of “crap” bags is symmetrical and well organized.

Lastly thank you for motivating me to finally install a Ring doorbell so that I could identify you and “repatriate” the poop collection to the property of its rightful owner.


They say “deaths come in 3’s”. I feel like the last 3 months has seen that times 2 or 3. It’s hard not to feel stressed when each week seems to bring another life of someone I know lost. :frowning:

I wonder if your child is as sour about her school as you are. Worst case of buyer’s remorse I’ve seen in a long while.


I love those TV ads where a 4WD car is plowing off-road through beautiful snow. What percentage of drivers ever do that? 1%, probably fewer? And I’m one of them. :slightly_smiling_face:


Almost $1.4M for a 1970s split. Over 40% over asking. Neighbor, I’m thrilled for you, enough for you to live out the rest of your days in style, but ugh. This is not the neighborhood for prices like that. No longer affordable for the middle class (or our kids). We wouldn’t have qualified for a mortgage like that at our peak professional years. What 30 yo has $200K + for a down payment?