Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I wish I had a dollar for every stats review with a 4.0 GPA posted on CC. Is it self-selection, with the most accomplished students and involved Tiger Parents inhabiting the forum, or has there been massive grade inflation since I attended high school in the dark ages?


So, nothing?
I’m really getting tired of doing everything.


You win the award for most arrogant, know it all, jerk. You are painful to listen to. Stop the mansplaining. Your opinions are NOT facts.


Asked DD what she wants for her birthday. She said she really really wants Dyson AirWrap Complete but it has been sold everywhere for months. Then she added “ But if anyone can find it it’s you “. Mission completed. Got one when it was back in stock for like 10 minutes in Sephora!


Why don’t people read the previous information? The repetition of information/suggestions really drags things along


I pray nightly for peace and justice.


Well, at least you’re not threatening us with litigation, but it’s pretty humorous that you are asking that we write an “objective letter of accomplishments” for you since you can’t find a job after that negative newspaper article. We will sign a list of straight facts, but that’s it - no positive opinions about your leadership! I can’t believe you’re wasting more money on lawyers. My favorite part was when your lawyer said you’d be willing to sign the severance agreement (exactly one year after you resigned) if we paid half of your substantial attorney’s bills. :joy:

Why do our neighbors still have Christmas lights on every night? It’s February 15th. (They didn’t do this last year).

It’s well over a year into this project. Now you tell me the materials I specified months ago are not available? They were when I emailed you my list, signed off on the quote and paid the deposit. Funny how your vendor’s order form was dated just last week. I guess you weren’t expecting me to see that.

Yo, Zuck. Don’t turn your midlife crisis into others’ 401(k) problem. You know what? Meta or not, we all will turn into dust when we kick the bucket. You are not god. And your stupid metaverse is not heavenly afterlife. So stop the BS.


I’m so grateful that I’m the one who told my dad my daughter’s good news rather than her. He was such a killjoy and actually said some hurtful things. I just don’t get it. He was such a positive force when I was young, and about 20 years ago started turning into a curmudgeon. It’s sad. I hope I never turn into that.


Sure hope there are no children with same sex parents in your school because it’s been made pretty clear that you don’t support them and their families.

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Oakland Hills Country Club’s clubhouse is on fire & it looks like it is going to be a total loss. Not sure why it makes me so sad, since there is no way I could ever afford membership 
 but it’s an iconic building that I pass every time I go to D’s house, and I was incredibly impressed by it when my old boss hosted us there. Thank goodness no one was hurt.

Just because you CAN, doesn’t mean you SHOULD.


Two 30 foot dumpsters of junk means that you should probably stop keeping stuff Dad. Still love you though.


We got grandbaby number two last week and I have to say my grandkids are WAY cuter than my mother’s grandkids. :wink:


The video from the fight at the mall in NJ says it all.


Sometimes, in the interest of practicality, I consider renaming our 5 month old puppy “No”.


We have nicknamed our new puppy “Demon”.

S25 who wanted a puppy has asked if puppy behavior is like toddler behavior. He sincerely asked, “Is this how I was?!”

He has also asked if we can hire someone to train him “bc this dog is untrainable”.

Our two older dogs continue to look at us in seeming bewilderment, “Why did you do this to us?”

DH and I adore puppy. And I have become more flexible; Sam’s Club has delivered countless paper towels and Clorox wipes. :joy:

