Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Hi all, please remember that this is supposed to be a no reply thread. Users can always start a new thread if they want to delve into a topic mentioned here. Thanks!


I hope you lose big, lose huge because we deserve it.


I’m glad you told me what was going on even though you know I’m not fully on board with it. I like that about our relationship.


Just realized yet another negative impact of your subs not following the plans. You never mentioned it. Whatever happened to the supposed benefit of your CAPS certification? If H hadn’t noticed the issue today, your way of dealing with it would have destroyed the accessibility I worked so hard to design. :rage:

I love my husband so much. It shouldn’t have taken a call from his ex to make me realize this. But better late than never.


I’m finding it difficult to get excited about the money you raised by taking flight. How much more have you and that other guy spent on stroking your own egos? Yes, it’s your money & you can use it however you wish. Just don’t expect me to believe that your fundraising stunt was amazing … because you could have stayed on Earth & donated what you spent. Again, do what you want. But I’m not buying the idea that you are some kind of hero.


I’m glad that you and your wife agree that you should not fly anywhere. I hope that her recent flights didn’t expose her to anything harmful that she could bring home to you. We understand why she felt the need to take the trip, we just hope there are no unintended consequences. Waiting and hoping for the best, and keeping quiet about our concerns.

God save the Queen.


Putin is the worst. :rage:


Good grief! Sitting in a small town Hampton Inn lobby eating breakfast while dh does some work in the room. Older couple sitting near me have, thus far, complained about:

Their inability to find the salt
The placement of where the coffee is
The lack of apple juice
The inefficiency of the toaster
The amount of margarine in the package
The lack of bananas
The fact that the eggs are powdered
Their bathroom sink dripping
Trickiness of the operation of their shower

Where, exactly, do you think you are?? :joy:


Ha, after being a moderator on CC, I’ve gotten pretty good at sleuthing. You thought you’d scrubbed the internet about that job you’ve taken, but I found it. :sweat_smile:


You know all those Disney movies the internet says are worth so much money, from when many of our kids were young? Well they may be priced at absurd amounts, but not many are purchased at those amounts.


What is happening?? Every day I’m more sad and worried for my kids.

I understand that the site needs to be funded in some way, but it is really annoying to have a tab opened to an outside website every time I click in the margins, outside a box.


I wish that I could say more often.

I’m sorry you feel that way


All of your suitemates tested positive for Covid in the past 10 days and you have been tested several times by student health services as a close contact. You have tested negative every time and have no symptoms. I’m not sure how you managed to pull it off but I am so relieved!! :mask: :tada:


You are a disgusting little man.


I left because of this sort of thing. I cannot fathom the logic, because it’s not logical. Nor does it have a basis in the text or in the teachings of the man. I disagree, and I am happy to have taken myself to a place that makes sense to me.


4 months since I lost my dad. I miss him terribly. I cry every night. And every day that goes by is another day farther away since the last time I saw him and said goodbye. He was the most precious father and I could do no wrong in his eyes and he taught me so much. If I could go back and be in a boat fishing with him one more time I’d never let go.


Today is the day…if you all can send prayers, good vibes, fairy dust or whatever you have I will appreciate it. Thanks friends.