Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ew, Florida. No words.


I’ll be heartbroken for you both if he doesn’t make a full recovery. You’re now faced with possibility of losing your sweet husband. You’ve always downplayed pain and expected others to just power through. We’ll always wonder if getting him to the ER a day earlier would have made a difference.

ExpatS, please be careful. You saw this coming and evacuated to safety, but you know this area and its history. This is far from over. We’re so proud you have stayed to help civil efforts, but we’re also terrified.

One of the critical things to check in a developing relationship is how you work together when the %$#@ hits the fan. The current situation would present a prime opportunity to assess.


The son who only calls once every week or two has called 4 times today. Starting with a 7am call (after he was up all night) wanting reassurance the draft wouldn’t be reinstated. While each call got progressively more normal, I can hear in his reaching out today a need to feel grounded and connected as the world looks particularly frightening to him.
Parenting is hard today.


Bound over for trial! You could have done so much more than you did. I’m glad to see this outcome for now. Hearing details was horrific though.


Let’s see where we are in a month. A month?! :woman_facepalming:


The taxman cometh. Welcome to adulthood!


He’s here and he’s healthy. Whew!


Wow. Stuck in Ukraine with your wife and one week old infant, this is awful. And now they aren’t letting men aged 18-60 leave the country. I am terrified for you and so sad for your mother.

This is a wake-up call. Real life is not what you’ve been praising, prioritizing and promoting.

Facebook is so amazing. I know people love to rag on it, but where else could I friend someone who is currently at the Ukrainian border, trying to get into Poland? I “met” him on a FB page where people post pictures of their dogs.

MTA: when I clicked on Facebook just now, his post popped up first:

<<< The most scary and emotional things I’ve seen experienced in my life;

  1. Missiles flying over my head and air raid sirens sounding throughout the city
  2. Tanks and military convoys driving down streets I know like the back of my hand, in the place I call home
  3. Seeing confused pets abandoned on the streets as people evacuate
  4. Seeing father’s kiss goodbye to their wives and children as their family evacuates leaving them behind
  5. Closing windows and turning off lights, locking our apartment, our home, with no idea when we will return or what condition it will be in when we do
  6. The news that our ride towards the border had left without us and that we need to start looking for something else from square one

This all happened in the last 36 hours.

Me and Olya are safe - but please don’t forget the many, many, many people who were not lucky enough to be able to leave Ukraine, or those who stayed in order to defend the country against needless aggression while many countries are only sending “thoughts and prayers”

Glory to Ukraine - Glory to the Hero’s :yellow_heart::blue_heart::ukraine:>>>


I’m kind of chilly today. I choose to grab a blanket rather than turn up the heat, but I could turn it up if I feel like it. I plan to walk in a bit. It’s really cold, and with the wind, it feels even colder. I have clothing that is warm enough for the hour I will spend outside. I want to eat something sweet, but I am trying hard to avoid sugar. I have a refrigerator full of healthy options, so I will eat those, instead.

As I contemplate the above, I am thankful that this is my day, that this is my life. I am incredibly blessed, and I know it. My heart breaks for all of those who are not so fortunate. On so many levels, humans need to do better.


Thankful for a bright spot in the middle of an otherwise depressing day. Also, thankful for Jose Andres and what he does through World Central Kitchen.


Younger S turned the big 21 this week. His uni friends/Gf took him out on his bday. GF’s extended family who live in the area made him a cake and bought him gifts. And now he just said many of his hometown buds came up from their uni’s to surprise him and celebrate the weekend with him too. It does this mama’s heart good to see him so loved.


She is gone, let her go. No-one should have to go through the pain of making this decision. We are all here to support you. She was taken too soon, it was not her time.

You are a well-qualified candidate. Fingers crossed you get the job!


I HAVE to remember not to let my eyes wander to the comments after the online news stories. Every time I make the mistake of reading them, I can’t help but fear that the end of civilization is nigh.


If she loves you, why didn’t she look for a job in your home base state? Why did she take the one 1900 miles away? No, I don’t trust her, and yes, I know you want me to. I am trying.

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What a JERK!