Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

It’s over. And although the final outcome was what we wanted, the entire story is still so sad.
In some ways this will haunt me for the rest of my life, but I can at last move on.

Does it bother anyone else that the “hug” emoji has a smiling face, when lots of time we want to use the hug to express condolences, sadness, and so forth?

This is not the biggest problem facing the world right now.


Fortunately, I don’t look to actresses and football coaches to influence my opinions on the world. Or other people …


Unexpected kindness is a gift. Thank you so much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The closing to sell Dad’s house was just before New Year’s. The house has already been torn down. Ugh, I’m sitting here crying. I knew it was coming, but wow. 48 years of memories.

We adopted another puppy. We now have four beautiful pups = two adults & two puppies.

While debating for a couple of days on the new puppy’s name–Winston or Jasper–we settled on “Don’r eat that !”.


I absolutely detest doing the CSS Profile and IDOC.


I’m going to miss the quirky tasting room, but the new place is beautiful.
A whole lot of changes out there in the past 40 years. What used to be farms…apartments, condos, tasting rooms.

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I gave you 3 weeks notice. You had plenty of time to do what I asked. Annoyed and disappointed.


Those soccer fanatics were absolutely right.


You signed your name that you understood and agreed to the masking rules to come here. Now you’re giving the workers a hard time and are super loud about it.

Your word obviously means nothing.

How would you feel if you told someone you have a house rule that no feet are allowed on furniture and a guest nodded, then came in, put their feet on your coffee table, then berated you loud enough for all to hear about your “stupid rule?” Would you agree that the rule is stupid and let them put their feet anywhere they liked?

To all the loudmouthed idiots out there, the image you’re showing of yourself is quite probably not coming off as you think it is. I’m glad I don’t have to live with you or go places with you. I’m in the majority group talking about what an — you are.


I don’t even know who I can complain to. My son’s case manager feels that he’s healthy enough he doesn’t need a case manager. The ignorance contained in that statement is just staggering. I guess I will start making phone calls. I will need to take a deep breath so I don’t say something I will regret. :frowning:

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Anderson (Cooper) what are you doing in Ukraine with those two babies one of who is a newborn at home!!! :hushed:


Amazing to see and restores a little faith…

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To the rooster last night:

I’m sure it’s daylight somewhere, but could you let the roosters on the other side of the planet take care of the crowing duties between 11pm and 1am (ish) local time? Pull out your rooster handbook and/or look up the meaning of the word, “dawn.” Frogs sing at night, not roosters. Your first clue could have been not hearing your fellow roosters join you.


Totally separate from world affairs and minor in the scheme of things:

I was traveling and had 3 dresses shipped to my work address. In my name. Company name not on the label. (Mother of bride dresses, 30 days to return them, in between work travel).

Staff is small (think 3) and at least two were told I was expecting a dresses to be delivered while I was away for a long weekend.

We have two remote associates and staff regularly group-texts all day long, supporting customer service with photos of shipping labels and products.

The 20 yo male associate often “takes the lead” over the 50-something women (who competently do their jobs). Dynamic noted.

He opened the package with my dresses and sent me a picture of the packing slip and my dresses. ARGH. I don’t understand why he didn’t just send a picture for the shipping label to see if I recognized the package.

So, that’s my agita. On any other day, he might choose not to do the receiving, but it felt it his concern to open my personal package.

Further, the text group with my high school friend chided me for not being more understanding and suggested I need to mentor him. (Regretting I opened this can of worms).

Ha? He’s a very confident college student, quite competent, and I generally enjoy working with him. As far as mentoring, each semester, he chooses his work hours and the others schedule around him. We offer lots of support. This isn’t his intended career.

I told him I was bothered that he opened my package. That’s all I said to him.

I don’t know what annoys me more — his opening a package clearly addressed to me and not to the company OR the friends telling me I was wrong and need to be more understanding.

Let’s see if this vent relieves my agita!


First love, senior year. I am both happy and sad for you.


Double standards I tell ya…


Please let him be ok….

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Saw the most wonderful interview on CNN this afternoon. A young American man who lives in Ukraine and is helping refugees. With all the division we see, there’s good in this world. :ukraine: