Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

One step forward (rehab) and two step back (car wreck). Now I have to take care him while recovering myself. So ready to be the person getting support and so tired. BP high in ER. Hopefully just the immediate aftermath of wreck. But way last several months have gone withe stress and not much sleep, it may be a new problem for me. Sigh

Bravery, honor, courage, determination, selfless and heroic!


Arghh, bad enough my dermatologist is retiring but now my PCP is leaving the office? Iā€™m too old to start with new doctors!


Wowā€¦itā€™s really an unbelievable sight.


Canā€™t stop thinking about them. Canā€™t stop praying for them. Itā€™s so incredibly sad, and the worst part is, itā€™s not going away.

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Colorado, you can do better.


Coughing coughing coughing. Letā€™s just go to the hospital. Why wait until Friday?




Iā€™ve made three calls about my sonā€™s case manager situation and nobody is calling me back. Itā€™s ironic, because usually I contact the case manager when I have issues like this! I just called the third person (the case managerā€™s supervisorā€™s supervisor) and left a message practically begging her to call me. I guess I will call the state next, but I canā€™t imagine they will be helpful.

This is the state of our mental health system in this country.

One of my former students is from Mariupol, Ukraine. She shared what is being aired on Russian TV regarding what is going on in Ukraine. It is chilling ā€¦ blatant lies made up by a madman, not only believed by many, but allowed to result in utter destruction and death. I am not usually a doom and gloom person, but I think that the unthinkable has begun. May good people band together to figure out a way to stop this.


It is your first time going through college admissions since you did it for yourself decades ago. You are finding that although you had done a lot of research, it is really rattling. That doesnā€™t mean it has ā€œcompletely changedā€ in the last 2 years. It means that as you experience it personally, much of the nuance is become clearer.

Itā€™ll be fine.


Who are these people?

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I am so proud of the Board of Directors I serve on. Such good people. We made a tough decision tonight and it was the right thing to do.


I think Alisyn Camerota is doing such a great job on CNN covering Russiaā€™s vicious attack on Ukraine.
Her rage and exasperation are on full display. Professional? Not sure, but definitely human and shared.


Yesterday was our first day as mask-optional. Our infection numbers have dropped to a point where I was willing to trust my boosted status and go without my mask and most of my students did so as well. It was. really fun to see their faces since I had only seen a few outside since school started in August. Iā€™m thankful we stayed masked for so long, but happy to make this move back to a more normal state.


OMGā€¦here we goā€¦still have the potassium Iodide tablets on handā€¦


Iā€™m still trying to wrap my head around how pathetic and uninspiring it was.

Oh, dude. Just because you donā€™t experience it, doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t real. Until people actually listen to the very real experiences of people who arenā€™t like them, little will change. (And ā€¦ Youā€™ll make a lot of money & youā€™ll make a lot of people like you believe that they are justified to feel as they do.)


To the goons with guns: listen to the folks manning the power plant. Once you damage it, it will be impossible to put that genie in the bottle. You will be the first ones vaporized. Let those with the training and expertise do their job and get the hell out of their way! :exploding_head:


I not only see the glass as half full, I look forward to savoring every drop in it. You, on the other hand, not only see the glass as half empty, you think there is a big crack in it.