Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Dear facebook friends: I really don’t care what your wordle score is every *@#$%^ day.


Last night I spent some time using the search feature of CC to research recommendations for Italy. It took me back to my early years on CC. It was great to see the posts from past CC posters. I miss many of them and their wealth of information. CC parent cafe was once one of the best places to get travel info from people you trusted.


This college admissions game is a racket


Ugh. MIL is going to move to an AL facility near my SIL. It’s good for them. But I have no interest in staying with my SIL when we visit - and even if we stay elsewhere, we will still have to hang with her. Yes, I am a horrible person. And no, I won’t let on to H how I feel … that’s why this thread is so nice to have! :rofl:


Please explain what sort of a message kicking Daria Navalny out of Stanford will send to Putin and his cronies. Still waiting for an explanation. I smell freedom fries :fries: … mmmm… fries.

( Don't Kick Russian Students Out of the U.S. )


Loving that people booking Ukrainian Airbnbs, obviously with no intention of going there, has rapidly become a thing.


See the “Scams” thread. Know where your money is going!!


You learn so much from people when you spend a week with them. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes not so much.
(Snarky version - your husband is a freaking adult. He can decide when to finish his meal and can speak up if someone tries to take it away before he’s through. There’s lots more he’s capable of too… You say things so definitively, but you are not always correct. Not everything needs your editorial).
I think my husband appreciates me just a little bit more this week.


Bitter much? Sheesh.


An hour and a half of fighting with TurboTax software and I still don’t even have the basic info in yet. I feel like screaming. I’m going for a walk and will try again later. I hate doing taxes.

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I’m just so disappointed. The vast majority try to offer help, even if the topic is personal and painful. I appreciate those that offer support and I am thankful for their viewpoints and wisdom. Every once in a while, someone comes along and takes advantage by making things up and impersonating someone with a genuine problem. It makes me sad and angry.


On a lighter note, the new game Spot an Oligarch is taking the world by storm.


I tried to help but I break the door to the point of screws pulled out of the tile. Trying to stay calm. And really, a horrible buffet to eat? Why didn’t I just fix a sandwich?

The little girl singing Frozen in the shelter in Ukraine is beautiful and sad at the same time.


Really? You think the war is a hoax and/or overblown by the media? Are you serious?

Maybe, I guess. How about you take a vacation to Ukraine right now and report back your findings to everyone. Then we’ll “know.”

And you think I’m the one being silly? Wow. The world is getting scarier in more ways than one.


Who keeps coming up with these asinine ideas??? It’s like a ludicrous hybrid of the three stooges, dumb and dumber and Mr. Magoo.

Oh nooo… that is a BAD deal and a sad day here in our town. Lucky day for Denver.


This is going to be the biggest hit to Russia - no more Big Macs. Hit them where it hurts


Bravo Mr. McFaul, bravo !!!