Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Are there actually places in Texas worse than Southlake? I can’t imagine how that’s possible.

Minor grumble. I think my locality could set a record for most power outages per year. Yesterday we were lucky to be on the right side of the border for the outage, and 20-40 mph winds was understandable. But tonight? It just went dark and it’s just regular rain. We must lose power at least once every couple of months.

But at least it’s just dark. Nobody is shooting at me.


Please don’t move to Florida. My guess is that you won’t care for it. And I am positively sure, that we won’t care for you.


Mr B, “It is a bit chilly. I’m going to turn on the fireplace.”
Me, “Every hydrocarbon molecule that gets burned in that fireplace is one gazillionth of a penny in an oligarch’s pocket.”
The fireplace stays off. Local warming disaster averted. :sunglasses:


Dear Benefits department (of the company I recently retired from): In my job with the company when someone asked a question of me , I had 24 hours to respond. We were very thinly staffed but we did it. I have now been waiting for over a week to hear from you on a time sensitive matter. An email with 3 follow ups, voice mails…it’s convenient that there is no way to connect with you directly.

Just exhausted … can April please come sooner?


Dear universe, my stress levels need a break on a personal, family and worldwide level. Thank you.


I feel like i came across as harsh yesterday. I was trying to show you how what you are saying about this gf might sound to your son. She is not the reason for his behavior, which you clearly disapprove of and some of which you have complained about since he was 6 – decades before this girl came into the picture. Maybe you are just saying these things to me and would never say them to him. I hope that’s the case!

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Your jealousy is evident in the comments you make to others and my kid….sorry to burst your bubble, but it wasn’t a “big donation” that got kiddo accepted early. It was a perfect ACT score and a 1580 on the SAT, along with a 4.0, publications, and strong leadership as well as athletics….and actual work experience. Somethings money just can’t buy….like class (which you don’t have)! :money_mouth_face:


Dear Condo owner,
We love your place, but more than 1 towel each for a week long beach stay would be nice.


Keep your bleeping dog in your yard!! I know it’s tough, but it’s the law. I’ve asked nicely several times. Today I texted, “You guys have to do something.” I’m not going to risk our puppy running through our invisible fence again to chase your dog. You just wrote back, “We’ll do our best.” I responded, “Please. This can’t continue.” I hope you understand that since you’re breaking state law regularly, our next call will be to the animal control officer.


There are already two large gas mini-marts at that intersection. Of course we need one more to replace the motel/restaurant that closed when the owner retired! Ever think about diversifying instead of dividing the spending dollar? (sigh)


Just bought new socks. One sock has a big “L” on it, while the other has a big “R”. I was wondering who really needs things so simple,then I listened to multiple new anchors ask guests:

“Do you think that this amounts to a war crime ?”


Please let daughter’s surgery today go well. After 2 reschedules due to abnormal blood work, she is ready to have this broken foot repair so she can go back to chasing a 2 year old and being able to drive.

I might be more nervous than she is as I have no control. She didn’t follow her father and brother’s (both physician’s in other states) advice and ask for a recommendation for a surgeon from her OB, or Hematologist, both who are well respected; instead she did a google search :scream: Luckily our Ortho at home said this is a simple surgery and any trained Orthopedist can do it. :crossed_fingers:


We are so grateful for our many friends who have sent baby gifts to our S and his W. However, please stop asking me if they got it. I don’t know, and if you reach out to them directly you may hear faster than I do!! They are new parents and will get the thank you notes out as soon as they can. I am not comfortable bugging them to ask and relaying info back and forth. I understand that you want to know, but assume the answer is yes. That said, whoever sent the nordstrom gift- there was no note enclosed! I gues whoever asks me and tells me its from Nordy’s THAT one I can answer!


As if that poor country doesn’t have enough to deal with…


You drive me up the wall with your inability with the remote control and finding shows, etc. OMG. Thank you for just handing it to me.


RIP, Luis. :heart:


In case you didn’t know, you have choices for dealing with charitable donations. 1) You can donate goods and money to the victims of the unprovoked attack in Ukraine or 2) You can donate money to a private citizen who needs to buy a new plane. What to do, what to do… :rage:


Pointing out that :rwanda: is the flag of Rwanda, not Ukraine.