Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

So easy to judge from the cheap seats.


Delivery drivers: if you mess up my order of one cat litter package, I will pronto order 5 more packages so you will have to drag 210 lb of cat litter down my long driveway. Tread gently. :sunglasses:


On last night’s episode of The Weakest Link, the first player voted out billed himself as “College Admissions Consultant.” Just saying.


The Michigan acceptance thread is the most entertaining read! I highly recommend it for anyone with many hours to kill. I have no applicant this year or likely ever to this fine school, but I found myself getting excited reading all of these parents and kids on the edge of their seats every single Friday since January


I know I should be grateful at the attempt to do any kind of improvement to our (public) restroom at work. But
 simply installing a cheap automatic flush sensor - that does not have a manual flush button - on fritzy toilets is not an improvement. Now, if the first time doesn’t work well, you have to get up and wave and dance around to get it to flush again. Or, you could be like others who just leave the rest in there for others

I’m OK with the automatic sinks. They work OK for me. However, those who wash the coffee pots in the afternoons are not amused.


It will all work out, it will all work out


The decline has begun.

Just because you know this journalist, don’t get talked into dangerous decisions. It’s not worth the risk.


With such a tight rental market in NYC, I am so relieved that D2 has found a new place after her break up with long time BF. It has been hard to deal with heartbreak and urgency of finding a new place.
The couple thought they were going to make a long term commitment, but hit some irreconcilable differences.


:ukraine: :ukraine: :ukraine:


Today I’m wishing that my workplace had some COVID tests on hand because in a half hour I’m suppose to have a meeting with a staff person and a few others and the staff person was home with sick children yesterday and says she has had a headache, sore throat and has felt “off” for a couple of days

Saying prayers and my heart goes out to family and friends of all involved. It’s every parent’s nightmare when sending our kids out no matter which vehicle they were in. :broken_heart: :hugs:

A university-owned vehicle was transporting the teams from a golf tournament in West Texas, Blanco said at the scene, according to video from NBC affiliate KWES of Midland.

A Texas Department of Public Safety spokesperson said the vehicle carrying the teams was a 17-passenger van, while University of the Southwest President Quint Thurman said it was a 12-passenger van.

The van was driven by the teams’ coach and carrying between seven and nine students, according to the president.

“My understanding is that two of our students have survived and have been airlifted to University hospital in Lubbock with serious injuries,” Thurman said. He said those were the only two survivors.

“We are still learning the details about the accident but we are devastated and deeply saddened to learn about the loss of our students’ lives and their coach,” Thurman added in a statement.

He identified the coach who was killed as Tyler James. A biography on the school’s athletics site said James was in his first season as the head coach of the men’s and women’s golf program."

We are seeing lots of influenza A right now.:frowning:

Yes, your kid’s list of colleges to apply to is full of reaches. Several people have told you that. So stop arguing & stop trying to convince everyone otherwise. Don’t go crying if your kid gets into none of the schools. Literally thousands of other students nationwide have the same stats as your kid. Your kid is not as special as you think they are.

Also, your kid will not be a failure if they don’t go to a Top 20/Top 25/Top 50 college.

To my MIL: You are 1 of the most self absorbed people I’ve ever met. You never call any of your 4 grandchildren. Earth to Grandma - kids find it boring to sit around on the couch and talk for 8 hours straight about the same topics you’ve been talking about for 25 years. Talk to them about stuff THEY are interested in.

To my dad: You, too, are 1 of the most self absorbed people I’ve ever met. Since Mom died 11 years ago, you hardly ever have asked to speak to my kids on the phone. The last time you came here to visit was over 8 years go. You returned all of my kids’ photos which I’d given to you previously. Wife #2, who you started dating 3 months after Mom died and who you married 1 year to the date after Mom died, is a mean-spirited, manipulative, passive-aggressive emotional vampire and a horrible person. All you care about is yourself.

WHY IN THE WORLD did my kids have to end up with such lousy grandparents?!


My MIL should not be driving - I’ve been saying this for years.
Well today she got in a fender bender at the grocery store and the cops were called. The officer called my BIL and said you have to come get her - I’m not letting her drive.
He didn’t give her a ticket - he should have - but said she has to get retested. My BIL says good idea.
Good idea??? Just take the keys away and end it! The three brothers, my H included, need to stand up to Mommy before she kills somebody.


The crazy things people can come with! Oh my.

Needing to have the last word tells me more about you than anything else you ever said.


I don’t get these threads asking, “Michigan or (SomeOtherSchool)?” or “Is Michigan Worth It?” or any other indecision about Michigan. It’s Michigan, people. You always choose Michigan. I thought this went without saying. Sheesh.

Unless you didn’t get into Michigan. Then it’s OK to settle for whichever lame Ivy was your backup choice.

Just Go Blue already.


I have been married for over 41 years. That’s long enough for you to get my name right.


Yes, I’m totally blown away with the value of those ISOs that you need to liquidate. No, I do not think that now is a good time to by that DB11. Yes, I would like a ride.